Already broken

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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 Already broken

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Already broken Unknown
⋆ Innocent people are not fools. They just think everyone has a heart ⋆

Age: ▸ Died at 8 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Apprentice
BerichtOnderwerp: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimedi 14 jan 2020 - 0:18

It had started drizzling when Gorsepaw ran away from his father. His whole world had just shattered into small pieces. He had lived in this perfect bubble, ever since he was a little kit. But now it wasn't perfect, far from it. He had noticed his dad was following him on a distance and that annoyed him even more. He had told the WindClan leader that he wanted to be alone, but still he was around. Normally that would have comforted him, but now he was angry and sad, and he didn't wanted to see him, because it just reminded him what had just happened. "Your mom doesn't love dad anymore", his father had told him. "She loves Daintywhiff now". He could not comprehend what that meant. He didn't understand why they had to split up. Their live was perfect. They didn't fight, or cry, or yelled at each other. Not that he knew of. And Gorsepaw tried so hard to be a good son, grandson and brother. Was that wrong? Did he do it wrong? Gorsepaw had taken shelter in a gorse bush, but this one did not bloom. Only the green buds of what once would become small, yellow flowers were present. But they still had to grow and blossom. And there Gorsepaw stayed until the sun went down and the sky had darkened. The drizzle had kept on and finally Gorsepaw was ready to return home. He couldn't see his dad anymore, but he smelled his presence. Gorsepaw had walked home with heavy paw-steps. His eyes were red from crying so much and his red and white pelt was soaked once he entered camp. He just wanted to curl up in his nest en sleep. He did not want to see anyone, or talk, or smile. Especially his parents, because for the first time in his life, he was angry with them.

+ Falconpaw

Already broken Unknown
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Already broken SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimedi 14 jan 2020 - 0:29

His day had been quite calm. He went out training with a warrior to hone his fighting skills and helped Routnose ofcourse where he could, but apart from that? His day had been pretty calm. It was a normal day for him, it was busy, but calm at the same time. Call him crazy, but he liked being busy. He liked that he was able to do a lot in a day, even if that meant going on less adventures but fine. It was for a good cause. And one day he could make all the adventures he wanted to make. It was also a good way to forget the things he didn't want to think about, like his mom. Sometimes the conversation was good, other times it was just a big fight. He was getting used to it as well. That was probably a bad thing, wasn't it? He put down a mouse that he had caught, his fur was slightly moist from the drizzle, but it wasn't as bad as he had thought it would be. As soon as he put down his prey his attention was caught by Gorsepaw who walked into the camp, alone. There was something wrong with the way he walked and he could feel his heart drop in his chest. What was wrong with his best friend? He could immediately see there was something wrong. He might not even like it, but he was approaching him, stopping right in front of the tom-cat and saw the bloodshot eyes from crying. Now he really knew something was wrong and the tom-cat was soaked as well! "Come on, let's go to the medicine cat den. I don't want you to catch a cold." He said worried to his best friend and little brother. It was important for him to get warm as soon as possible, before he could get sick. And the medicine cat den was a bit more sheltered and private from the other cats as well, which his friend might like. It wasn't really a question as well, it was more like an order. He wasn't going to let Gorsepaw move to the apprentice den, even if it meant grabbing him by his scruff and pull him to the medicine cat den.

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Already broken Unknow11

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Oud setje <3:
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Already broken Unknown
⋆ Innocent people are not fools. They just think everyone has a heart ⋆

Age: ▸ Died at 8 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Apprentice
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimedi 14 jan 2020 - 0:47

Gorsepaw saw a red and white figure walk towards him. Falconpaw, his best friend, but Gorsepaw didn't have it in him to smile. He looked away and stopped in the middle of the camp and he left his head hanging. He saw the worry in his friends eyes. Gorsepaw didn't even try to look happy, to try and hide the sorrow he was in. He just couldn't. And maybe it was good Falconpaw took him in. He was the only cat in the whole clan he really trusted his secrets with and who he wanted to share his sorrow with. Because he would never judge him or betray him. Falconpaw was there for him, he just knew it. Falconpaw said they should go to the medicine cat den. The tone in his voice gave away that he was not going to take no for an answer. So Gorsepaw nodded. Not because he was ill or hurt physically, but he had taken a hit mentally. He just didn't realize it yet. And there would be no one, maybe Routnose, but she was alright. He started walking towards the small, strong smelling den, his feet dragging. He still hadn't said a word. He didn't even know where he should start explaining what just had happened to him. It was so overwhelming.

Already broken Unknown
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Already broken SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimedi 14 jan 2020 - 0:57

When Gorse didn't smile at him, that was the moment he knew it was completely wrong. That was when he knew his best friend needed help. No-one had to see Gorse like this, he recognized the look in the eyes, because he sometimes had the same look in his eyes. The look of pain, someone hurt him. And it wasn't physically. It was mentally. He clenched his jaws onto each other, he was going to find out who did this and when he did, they would pay for hurting him. For hurting his brother, his best friend. Gorse only nodded, there was no glimpse of the happy Gorse he knew and it broke his heart completely. Gorse didn't even say anything to him. He walked next to his brother, leading him into the den. He walked all the way to the back, to the nest where he and Routnose were sleeping. He stopped walking and nodded at the nest. "Come, lie down." He softly said to him, before thinking calmly. If he knew all the herbs he could give him something that would make him feel better, but right now he didn't know what could make Gorse feel better. So instead he lied down, where Gorse would also lay down. Whoever had hurt him, they were going to regret hurting him. He didn't care who or why. Gorse was not someone they were allowed to hurt. "I'm here. I don't care if you want to talk or just sit here in silence. I just want you to know that I'm here. I'm here for you." he said warmly, but still slightly worried. He knew how it felt being in that position. He didn't like to talk about his mom either, but his best friend should at least know that he was here for him, for whatever he needed. If Routnose entered the den he could maybe ask for a herb that would be good for his best friend.

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Already broken Unknow11

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Oud setje <3:
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Already broken Unknown
⋆ Innocent people are not fools. They just think everyone has a heart ⋆

Age: ▸ Died at 8 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Apprentice
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimedi 14 jan 2020 - 1:11

This was the first time he was in the medicine cats den. But he was too far in his shell, that he couldn't be in awe with all the tiny plants and herbs neatly stored away and drying in small cracks in the wall. He would have loved to learn a bit about it if he was in a better mood. But for now he let his best friend lead him towards a nest in the far back of the den. He was cold and tired. He could barely feel his skin when he lied down in the nest, like Falconpaw suggested. He didn't even hesitate. He curled up in a ball and stared to the moss in front of him. He was just mentally drained. He couldn't seem to process anything anymore. Just the words of his father repeating themselves over and over again in his head. His body started shivering, but he didn't move a muscle to warm himself up. He was exhausted, he couldn't do anything. His best friend started to console him, saying that he didn't have to talk if he didn't want to. And that he was there for him. Gorsepaw his eyes started to fill up with tears again. He was so blessed with his brother. He was amazing. What did he do to deserve him? ‘Thank you,‘ he whispered, pressing himself closer to his body. Then he couldn't keep it in any longer. He started to cry softly, burying his face between his paws. Just when he thought his tears were drained, there were still some left to cry.

Already broken Unknown
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Already broken SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimedi 14 jan 2020 - 1:21

It upsetted him to see his brother in this shape. His first reaction was anger, he wanted to do something to the cats who did this to his little brother. But he didn't want to pressure his little brother and maybe the most important thing: he needed Gorse to be okay now. That was his priority at the moment, that Gorse would be okay and not hurting. Gorsepaw lied down easily in his nest. He wasn't even trying to warm himself or dry himself, so as soon as Falcon lied down next to his brother and best friend, he started to lick his soaked fur, against the hairs to produce warmth and at the same time get the fluid out of his fur. This seemed like a good excuse for Gorsepaw to sleep here, Routnose would probably feel the same. As long as he would feel better because of that, he would provide it. He used long strokes and started to purr softly, calmly. Purring could not only be used for happiness, but also to calm other cats and make them feel safe and comfortable. 'Thank you,' Gorsepaw whispered, before pressing more into him. And it didn't take long for the red and white tom to start sobbing. He could hear his own heart shatter again and again with every sob, but he coudl do nothing more right now than lick Gorse's fur dry, purr, and be there for him. He placed one of his paws over Gorse's body and draped his tail along Gorse's body. He was here for him. "It's okay.. let it all out.." he whispered softly between licks and purrs. It might make him feel better, or at least relieved when it was out of his system. That was how he felt after a good cry-session.

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Already broken Unknow11

ɏøᵾ wɇɍɇ mɏ sŧøɍɏ
Oud setje <3:
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Already broken Unknown
⋆ Innocent people are not fools. They just think everyone has a heart ⋆

Age: ▸ Died at 8 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Apprentice
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimema 20 jan 2020 - 0:29

His friend tried to console him. Gorsepaw felt his tongue rasp over his wet fur, the soft vibrating of his purring. But the young tom could only sob softly. He felt lost. He was so tired, so heartbroken. And all because he couldn't understand why. Why did this have to happen? He wanted his old life back, where everybody was happy and loved one another dearly. He still loved his parents. He didn't think he could ever stop loving them. But he just did not know how to feel anymore. Lost was quite the way to describe it. Eventually he stopped crying. He just could not produce the tears anymore. His breath was still irregular, his shoulders shocking with every breath he drew. And then he just went deadly silent, staring into the distance. He did not know yet if he could tell Falconpaw what happened. But he had taken such good care of him. He took a deep breath. ‘Dad.. and mom,’ he started in a soft whisper. Just trying to explain what happened nearly made him cry again. ‘They are not together any more,’ he then added. He felt the tears well up again, but he roughly wiped them away with his paw. ‘Dad just told me,’ he added bitter. He realized he was a bit mad with his dad. With both of them. Why had they done this? It was probably all Gorsepaw his fault. He knew it. He buried his face in his paws again. He wanted to scream, but he didn't have the energy left.

Already broken Unknown
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Already broken SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimema 20 jan 2020 - 16:00

His heart was hurting with every sob that left Gorse's body. He didn't know what happened, but he wasn't agreeing with this. Was it his mom? Did his mom do something that made him so upset? Or did the other apprentices bully him? He would definitely speak to the cats that hurt his best friend. No-one was allowed to hurt him. He was mad, furious even, but that was not the most important thing to focus on right now. The most important thing was Gorse's wellbeing. That he was going to feel better because he couldn't handle seeing him so sad and broken. Gorse was supposed to be whole and happy, not sad and broken. Eventually, Gorse started to quiet down. Slowly but steadily. As long as he felt better from crying... he would love to know what had happened to him, but he would understand as well if the tom wouldn't want to talk about it. He wasn't a talker about his problems either, Gorse only knew half of his problems. Mostly because he didn't want to be vulnerable when he looked so strong for his brother. And then it was completely silent around them. Gorse had stopped his erratic breathing and the sobs had quiet down. 'Dad.. and mom,' the tom whispered softly to him, to which Falcon looked at his best friend with worry in his eyes. What had happened to Stallionstar and Shatteredice? Were they in trouble? Were they hurt? What was going on? 'They are not together anymore.' His eyes softened at those words. Oh.. Oh Gorse... He felt bad for the guy, he didn't know how a break up between parents was, he never had a dad of course. Gorse wiped the tears that started to well up again away with his paw, before speaking again. 'Dad just told me,' it sounded bitter and Falcon knew why. Did Stallion tell it himself? Was he trying to ruin Shatteredice's image by doing this? He didn't understand, but it angered him. It shouldn't have been done this way, far from this way. They should've talked to him together. "It doesn't make you less of a family..." he softly told his little brother while placing his head against Gorse's cheek. Because he meant those words, even if he was mad at Stallion's antics. "They still love you. They will still be your parents." he softly murmured, giving his best friend a comforting lick over his cheek. "I don't agree with how they have done this, but just know, they're still family. We're still family." he said with a soft smile on his face to his brother.

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Already broken Unknow11

ɏøᵾ wɇɍɇ mɏ sŧøɍɏ
Oud setje <3:
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Already broken Unknown
⋆ Innocent people are not fools. They just think everyone has a heart ⋆

Age: ▸ Died at 8 moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Apprentice
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimewo 22 jan 2020 - 0:41

The words repeated over and over in his head. "Your mother doesn't love me anymore." What did that mean? He didn't know that could be possible. He loved both his parents dearly and he didn't think those feelings would ever fade. But apparently they could, somehow. His body started trembling again when Falconpaw started to speak. Gorsepaw knew the medicine cat apprentice only tried to comfort his, to reassure him that everything would be okay. But it didn't work. Because everything had changed. It would never be how it was, how it used to be. And it would never be okay again. If dad hated his mother, or his mother his dad, how could his family still be whole? How could they still be a family? And who else knew about all this. Falconpaw said he was still his family, his brother. A weak smile came on Gorsepaw's muzzle, but it quickly vanished. Falconpaw wasn't his real brother. He had a family of his own, with his mother Amberstorm and his sister Hazelpaw. He was only his brother because his mom asked him to be, because Amberstorm was mean to him. And she was Gorsepaw's mentor. If things couldn't be more complicated. Gorsepaw closed his eyes. Falconpaw was mad at his father, he could sense it. But Gorsepaw couldn't muster to be angry with the WindClan leader. All he felt was this intense sadness, the way his heart was broken and the incomprehension. But he didn't want to worry Falconpaw even more. So he softly purred, only for a moment. ‘I know,’ he said. He lied. Because the feeling he had didn't make sense with his friend's words. ‘Thank you.’ Gorsepaw was tired of it. He just felt this immense weariness over his shoulders. His eyes were heavy and he eventually closed them. His breathing became only a soft whisper, and he dozed off in a light sleep.

Already broken Unknown
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Already broken SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Already broken   Already broken Icon_minitimedi 4 feb 2020 - 0:28

He wanted to do everything he could possibly do for his little brother. Family wasn’t something that was connected by blood in his eyes. He was long passed that. But you could choose your own family as he had done. Because Shatteredice had given him a choice to do so. He was proud to be part of that family, even when the family he had just been adopted into was falling apart. He didn’t want to pick sides between Shatteredice or Stallionstar, but he did know whose side he was on. He was on Gorse’s side. Whatever was the best for him, he would choose. Nothing less than that was acceptable in his eyes. He didn’t know why the two split up, he didn’t know about their problems, but he did know that Gorse was hurting. And that he was mad because Stallionstar had been an idiot for telling him this the way he did. But that wasn’t the most important thing right now in his eyes. Gorse was. Routnose would understand that as long as Gorse was here that he wouldn’t be able to do chores because right now he wasn’t the medicine cat apprentice from WindClan. Right now he was a big brother and best friend Falcon. A soft purr came from the younger tom-cat before it died again. His heart was hurting for him. ’I know,’ the tom told him, to which he gave the smaller tom a soft smile. ’Thank you.’ The tom continued to him. ”Always.” He softly murmured to his best friend. It wasn’t long before Gorse started nodding off, slowly drifting away. He sighed softly and stayed next to his brother, guarding him for the bad things that may come. He gently placed his head on top of Gorse, looking to the way in of the medicine cat den. He wouldn’t be able to sleep anyway.

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Already broken Unknow11

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