Bitter and Sick -open-

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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Langzaam maar zeker komen de eerste bloemen weer op. De zon breekt weer door wat zorgt voor een aantal warme dagen. Newleaf zet alles in volle bloei.
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 Bitter and Sick -open-

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Bitter and Sick -open- 7wgkHht
❀ Michelle ❀
In the fairy tales, the poor girl smiles when she becomes a princess. Right now, I don't know if I'll ever smile again.

Age: ❀ 16 Moons ❀
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Bitter and Sick -open-   Bitter and Sick -open- Icon_minitimevr 10 jan 2020 - 20:47

No one notices, no one even cares, when I fade away again. I'm a shadow, and no one remembers shadows.

Leafbare was making it's arrival. The small cat shuddered shaking her short fur a bit out in an attempt to warm herself up somewhat. She walked to the fresh kill pile, taking a small mouse from the miserably small heap and sat down with it. She looked around at her clanmates. Kits jumping over eachother, laughing in their playfights. Apprentices walking out with their mentors or training with eachother. The world moved around her, always making her seem like she was an outsider, staring into the clanlife without fully participating. She couldn't. She wasn't mentally fit to, even if there was nothing wrong with her body. Or so the medicine cats told her. By now even medicine cats from the other cats had taken a look at her. Trying to find what was wrong with her, but nobody fully understood. They said it was inbetween her ears, telling her to just get herself in the right place of mind. That she would grow out of it, yet there was nothing to grow out of. She had been this way even before she could open her eyes, her body had always hurted and there was nothing she could do about it.. Nothing any cat let do her do atleast..


Those who know what it's like in the dark
will do anything to stay in the light.

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Bitter and Sick -open- DPKsfdL

Age: 17 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Tunneler Apprentice
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Bitter and Sick -open-   Bitter and Sick -open- Icon_minitimeza 11 jan 2020 - 16:11

hear me sing
with the voices of the sea
The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles.
Oceankit tended to remain on the sidelines. She was not the only one that tried to remain away from the bustling activity within the camp. Shy as the young she-cat was known to be, she tended to keep on her own, eat on her own and sometimes play halfheartedly in one of the games. She loved her family through, their hugs and warmth. Oceankit had noticed she was not the only one getting some doet of looks. The reason might have been different hierover Wisteriawisp was also treated differently. As if she was not as great as any other cat. Oceankit felt for her, her small heart warming for the older cat that was family somewhere down the line. As such the five Moons old kitten slowly made her wat over to her niece and mewed. 'Wisteriawisp?' Her voice was soft and insecure, she had no idea how to start a conversation.
TAGS:Wisteriawisp <3

Bitter and Sick -open- MwMYm1d
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Bitter and Sick -open- 7wgkHht
❀ Michelle ❀
In the fairy tales, the poor girl smiles when she becomes a princess. Right now, I don't know if I'll ever smile again.

Age: ❀ 16 Moons ❀
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Bitter and Sick -open-   Bitter and Sick -open- Icon_minitimeza 11 jan 2020 - 22:03

No one notices, no one even cares, when I fade away again. I'm a shadow, and no one remembers shadows.

Ofcourse one could never eat in peace. She watched as a tiny fluffball came jumping towards her. The oh so perfect little princess Oceankit. She narrowed her blue eyes staring at the copycat of her grandmother. Technically it was her aunt? Ugh, familybonds. It started talking to her and she pulled up her nose. Licking the blood from her lips. ”Oh dear, Oceanstar reborn is talking to me.” She mewed more to herself as no other cat would actually spend the time to talk to her. All except a bored little kitten. ”What do you want.” She growled soft ripping another part of her prey and chewing it, staring down at the kitten.

Those who know what it's like in the dark
will do anything to stay in the light.

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Bitter and Sick -open- DPKsfdL

Age: 17 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Tunneler Apprentice
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Bitter and Sick -open-   Bitter and Sick -open- Icon_minitimeza 1 feb 2020 - 15:21

hear me sing
with the voices of the sea
The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles.
Oceankit had no idea that Wisteriawisp did not like her presence. While licking blood from her lips, she looked up at the younger she-cat. 'Oh dear, Oceanstar reborn is talking to me.' Oceanstar had been her mother, the one cat she had never really known. She looked like her, maybe even carrier a part of her sensitieve heart, which made the words Hurt a little. The kitten pinned her ears slightly back while looking at the older cat. 'What do you want.' She growled while topping another piece of the prey and chewing it. 'You looked lonely.' She whispered while swallowing nervously. Had she done something wrong?
TAGS:Wisteriawisp <3

Bitter and Sick -open- MwMYm1d
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Bitter and Sick -open- 7wgkHht
❀ Michelle ❀
In the fairy tales, the poor girl smiles when she becomes a princess. Right now, I don't know if I'll ever smile again.

Age: ❀ 16 Moons ❀
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Bitter and Sick -open-   Bitter and Sick -open- Icon_minitimezo 2 feb 2020 - 22:30

No one notices, no one even cares, when I fade away again. I'm a shadow, and no one remembers shadows.

Her ears flicked, annoyed that the young cat was still talking to her. Did she not know when to stop and just, get out. She growled soft, annoyed that she couldn't even enjoy her brooding time in peace. "I'm not lonely." She reacted coldly to the cat, watching her kin with a dark look on her face. "I'm not here to entertain you Oceankit, go do something fun." Like walk without pain, or run without pain. Hunt and live, fight for your clan without dying from your body fighting against you.. She moved her head away sinking her teeth into her prey. Imagining it to be Oceankit for a second, which made her feel just that tiny bit better.

Those who know what it's like in the dark
will do anything to stay in the light.

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Bitter and Sick -open- DPKsfdL

Age: 17 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Tunneler Apprentice
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: Bitter and Sick -open-   Bitter and Sick -open- Icon_minitimema 3 feb 2020 - 11:11

hear me sing
with the voices of the sea
The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles.
Wisteriawisp's ears flicked, it was a silent message for the younger she-cat. Run and hide, and never come back. A soft growl reached her slightly pinned ears, which made the kitten look at her niece with Wijdenes eyes. She had no idea that the other tended to be so frustrated with the world, had no reason to see the pain in the other's eyes. Oceankit simply did not know and understand the motives, the reason why Wisteriawisp was acting as if she was het enemy. 'I'm not lonely.' No she sure did not look lonely, not many cats reached out to het niece, maybe because she tended to behave in such a way, pushing others away. Even those as innocent as the young kitten. A dark look that was pointes to Oceankit made her shiver slightly before schaking her head. She did not even utter a word, since she was too shy to do so, it was uncomfortable to speak with one that was angry and annoyed for some unknown reason. 'I'm not here to entertain you Oceankit, go do something fun.' If she had been any other cat she would have allowed her voice to rise and tell Wisteriawisp what she thought about it. However Oceankit was no other cat, she was a small, insecure kitten and as such closed her eyes before she flicked her ears slightly. 'I am not my mother, why does everyone think so... At least you are seen as your own person,' The kitten whispered softly after which she just sat down as if she had been deaf. The words might have been on the brink of being too softly spoken to be heard, however since Wisteriawisp had been close she might have been able to hear at least a few words. She was allowed to be in this camp and would not run away because one family member decided that she was a scumbag. It was not as if her brothers and sisters did never play rough around her. Growing up with a large family could be bothersome indeed.
TAGS:Wisteriawisp <3

Bitter and Sick -open- MwMYm1d
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