Wolfeye was al vroeg opgestaan, wat ze altijd doet. Ze ging naar de Highlands, want ze was toe daaraan. Ze zat op een berg een visje te eten. Een kleintje maar, wnat de rivier werd wel steeds kouder en harder. Ook het klote klonk scherper. Of was het haar gehoor? Opeens ging er een poes voor haar zitten? Ze keek de poes met een scheef kopje aan. De poes begon te zingen. Het was een medodietje van een lied. Ze huilde. De poes, niet Wolfeye. Wolfeye huilde bijna nooit. De poes schrok, ze merkte dat Wolfeye achter haar zat. Ze glimlachte. "ooooohhhhhhhh, ooooooohhhhh whoa whoa oooh whoa
(I'm an angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,
An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun..)
Get out your guns, battles begun,
are you a saint, or a sinner?
If loves a fight, than I shall die,
with my heart on a trigger.
They say before you start a war,
you better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby, you are all that I adore,
if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.
I'm an angel with a shotgun,
fighting til' the wars won,
I don't care if heaven won't take me back.
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.
Don't you know you're everything I have?
..and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.
Sometimes to win, you've got to sin,
don't mean I'm not a believer.
..and major Tom, will sing along.
Yeah, they still say I'm a dreamer.
They say before you start a war,
you better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby, you are all that I adore,
if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.
I'm an angel with a shotgun,
fighting til' the wars won,
I don't care if heaven won't take me back.
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.
Don't you know you're everything I have?
..and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.
ooooohhhhhhhh, ooooooohhhhh whoa whoa oooh whoa
I'm an angel with a shotgun..
fighting til' the wars won..
I don't care if heaven won't take me back..
I'm an angel with a shotgun,
fighting til' the wars won,
I don't care if heaven won't take me back.
I'll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.
Don't you know you're everything I have?
(I'm an angel with a shotgun)
..and I, want to live, not just survive, tonight.
(Live, not just survive)
..and I'm gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight.
They say before you start a war,
you better know what you're fighting for.
Well baby, you are all that I adore,
if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvaIgq5j2Q8 )
Zong ze zuiver. Ze glimlachte. "Mijn lied. Helpt dat misschien wat?" meestal kende Wolfeye de situatie meteen.