~General Information~
Name: Dancingdoe
Past Names: Dancingkit, Dancingpaw
Age: The moon has turned 16 times.
Gender: Female
Sisters: Only one doe was born.
Brothers: I am the only dancer.
Parents: Who are they, where are they now?
Bloodline: 100% Windclan
Mate: Dancing in the sun. With the doe by my side. Do you want to dance with me?
Kittens: Flowerkit
Status: Healthy as a fish.
Rank: Young Warrior
Past Ranks: Kitten, Apprentice
Future Ranks: Queen(?), Elder(?), Deputy(?), Leader(?)
Prefix Name: She was a small and elegant kit. Her mom thought that she was moving as beautiful as a dancer, that is why she was named Dancingkit. She was also really energetic, and dancers are energetic.
Suffix Name: A doe is an elegant animal, also her fur is brown. A doe has a brown fur, and is a fast animal. That is why she is called doe.
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