Esmee 366 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - zo 15 sep 2013 - 17:43 | |
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Esmee 462 Actief Be a pineapple; Stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet on the inside.
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| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - ma 16 sep 2013 - 8:33 | |
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Esmee 462 Actief Be a pineapple; Stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet on the inside.
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| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - ma 16 sep 2013 - 8:35 | |
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•○• Esmee •○• 102 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - zo 27 okt 2013 - 9:34 | |
| MOONY - Code:
<link href='|Voltaire' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <center>
<div style=" width: 300px; height: 200px; background-image: url(;"></div><div style=" width: 300px; font-family: devonshire; font-size: 30px; color: #4A0F35; text-align: left; line-height: 20px;"> Moony</div> <div style=" width: 300px; border-top: 20px solid #2B001C; font-family: voltaire; font-size: 12px; color: #000; text-align: justify; border-bottom: 20px solid #FF3D3D;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris hendrerit nisl a volutpat tempor. Curabitur sapien elit, imperdiet ac velit vitae, vehicula tempus lacus. Nam sed nisl ut nisi tempor vestibulum. Nulla ac feugiat sapien, eget gravida arcu. Morbi ac porta tortor. Quisque sodales felis congue magna lobortis ultrices. Proin a libero nulla. Praesent a ipsum sed libero pellentesque euismod a eu augue. Fusce auctor nisi non turpis gravida placerat eu eu libero. Sed pellentesque feugiat lectus, id ullamcorper tellus venenatis a. In et nisi sit amet nulla auctor porttitor. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam eu feugiat tellus, non lobortis felis. Fusce ac diam a turpis sodales imperdiet. <P> Nam facilisis ultrices nibh. Nulla rutrum mauris ante. Nunc volutpat mi in felis semper, blandit bibendum velit luctus. Praesent porttitor euismod sapien auctor varius. Fusce faucibus nulla adipiscing mollis rutrum. Quisque dolor lectus, vulputate in elementum at, dapibus id ipsum. Fusce nec tincidunt ipsum. Vestibulum dolor purus, lacinia sed massa vel, tristique mattis nisi. Quisque non massa ac justo rhoncus malesuada. Duis et posuere felis, at eleifend odio. Suspendisse non facilisis odio. Ut vel ipsum vulputate, scelerisque nisi at, pellentesque nisi. <P> Duis vel augue vitae nunc porttitor lacinia. Quisque aliquam fermentum sollicitudin. Integer luctus augue lacus, sed consectetur felis placerat et. Praesent gravida blandit lectus facilisis tempor. Sed elementum dui nec varius sodales. Pellentesque aliquam, nibh ut egestas blandit, sem diam posuere massa, ut vulputate nunc risus at lacus. Morbi dui ligula, rhoncus quis consectetur quis, congue non tortor. Nam hendrerit posuere elit ac tempor. Donec vitae sem tempor libero feugiat mattis scelerisque vel mauris.
<div style=" width: 300px; font-family: devonshire; font-size: 11px; text-align: right;">[url=]thanks![/url]</div>
</center> |
Esmee 856 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - do 7 nov 2013 - 10:13 | |
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Esmee 1926 Actief One by one they slipped and fell into the deep. Now all that's left for me is grief.
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| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - vr 28 maa 2014 - 16:42 | |
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Esmee 23 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - ma 31 maa 2014 - 20:18 | |
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Esmee 1431 Actief Maybe the wolf is in love with the moon and each night it cries for a love it will never touch.
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| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - za 21 jun 2014 - 15:24 | |
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Esmee 1926 Actief One by one they slipped and fell into the deep. Now all that's left for me is grief.
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| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - do 24 dec 2015 - 17:39 | |
| - Setje Elkkit (Ty Juul):
- Setje Kestrelwing (Ty Juul again):
- Setje Lockedrose (Ty Lolo):
| Onderwerp: Re: - DROPPED - | |
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