All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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 All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]

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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimewo 15 jan 2020 - 13:44

What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?

His gut feeling told him he had to be here, he didn't knew why but he was. As the wind ruffeled his fur he gazed at the hills that sloped down and ultimately led to Fourtrees. The place where a few day's ago a Gathering had taken place. It had been a weird night to be there, the commotion about the smell of one ShadowClan Warrior and the Profecy Butterstar had spoken about. Eveningglow had been mad nobody had taken action but maybe she had forgotten that the Profecy had told them to lie low. A soft sound made him turn his head and he saw his former Apprentice behind him. "Falconpaw" he mewed with respect. He was still in training but the young tom cat learned quickly he had heard.

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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimewo 15 jan 2020 - 14:09

He was mad, fuming almost. He didn't know how the elder tom-cat had told his best friend about the split up, but it had done him no good. He was merely a shell of the cat that he loved, the cat that would do anything for everyone. Gorse had the purest heart he had ever seen, but now he was hurting. And as the big brother he was, he wasn't just going to stand around and let him hurt. He never expected his ex-mentor to be the guy to hurt him this bad. Stallionstar had always trained him with such honesty, but it didn't work out the way it should've. Maybe the phrasing of it all had been wrong, but he wouldn't allow this to go on. First he gives his son Amberstorm, his mom to be the mentor of Gorsepaw. She wasn't exactly the sweetest cat and he was always keeping an eye out for him. Because his mom, was still his mom. And his mom was tough, strict, but also emotionally unstable. He figured out that much. She had a new rank within the clan as Deputy. He wouldn't have bothered this much if it had been another apprentice, but Gorse was his precious friend and little brother. Even before Shatteredice had adopted him as her son, he always saw the red and white tom-cat as his little brother. And he wanted to be that person for Gorse. He could see the spotted tom on a hill, always if he thought about the cat, he'd see them. He should stop doing that honestly. "Falconpaw" Stallionstar said to him, his voice laced with respect. Falcon tried to stay calm, even if he wanted to scream at the leader. Another way he saw the connection with his mom. But he wasn't completely like her, because right now? He contained his anger. "Stallionstar," He greeted the tom, as calmly as he possibly could right now. "Out hunting I suppose?" He continued. His voice was calm, but within his blue eyes the irritation and anger was still visible for the older tom.
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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimewo 15 jan 2020 - 14:18

What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?

The Medicine cat Apprentice greeted him calm and asked him if he was out hunting and he nodded. Falconpaw's voice was calm but within his eyes he read the tom was angry and frustrated. He didn't needed to guess about what, he knew. He had seen how Falconpaw had taken Gorsepaw with him into his Den and for this he was thankfull. "Would you like to join me?" he asked as he rose to his paws. If the tom wanted to ask him something he knew he only needed to drop a word. He tried to keep the lines open for everyone in WindClan, they were always welcome in his den.

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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimewo 15 jan 2020 - 14:45

He didn't understand why the other tom-cat was so calm about everything. Was he already over it? That shouldn't even be a possibility. He got it now, that his mom was trying to make him strong, because for these things he had to be the strong one, to protect the cats whom he loved. Gorse was definitely one of them. He always respected this tom-cat, at one point even saw him like a dad he never had, but now? After he hurt Gorse like that? No, he wasn't happy with that, not at all. The tom-cat nodded when he asked if the tom was hunting. Routnose had told him it was important to still train hunting and fighting and he couldn't have agreed more. She had named Stallionstar especially, but it must be fine to pick any other warrior as well in his eyes. As long as he trained it should be fine. "Would you like to join me?" The large tom asked him while standing up from the grass. He flicked with his tail, before nodding. "Yeah, I have some time." He told the other tom, but there was a slight edge in his voice. The warmth he used to have there when he talked to the other tom, wasn't there at all. He was giving the tom more like the cold shoulder, right now. The tom was still the leader of WindClan and he couldn't go off and scream at him, not with his own rank. If he had been a normal apprentice, yes, maybe he would. But not with the rank of medicine cat apprentice.
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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimewo 15 jan 2020 - 15:02

What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?

As the other cat nodded he slowly started padding on the Moorland. He had noticed the tone in wich Falconpaw spoke and wondered if the young cat wanted him to start talking about it or not. After Falconpaw was made Medicine Cat Apprentice his now former mate asked if she could adopt him and he had aggreed to it. At that moment he had wondered what Amberstorm had tought of it but she had not even reacted, the only thing she had done was talk briefly to her son and she had went on with her tasks. The large tomcat halted after some meters and felt like it was his duty to talk to Falconpaw. Even if he still was an Apprentice, he needed to know how and what. "I know why you react that way, I'd like to thank you for taking in Gorsepaw" he mewed as a raw edge came to his voice. "And I'm willing to awnser all your questions Falconpaw" he mewed with the calm gone from his voice. He had talked about it a lot with Shadefeather and Stagstorm and his mother but still no cat truely understood what was going on. He was still processing his grief of losing his mate.

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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimewo 15 jan 2020 - 15:53

When he nodded, Stallionstar strated to trot on the Moorland below them. He followed slightly behind the big tom. The fact that he got adopted on such a big day was a pleasure to his sadness. Amberstorm hadn't even congratulated him until he stopped her in her tracks a couple of days later. As soon as she had heard the news the she-cat had rushed out of the camp without even glancing at him. She had explained herself later, but at that day, at that moment, it hurt. And Shatteredice had been so proud of him that he had earned that rank. He had gotten a whole family with her adoption. The tom-cat suddenly stopped his tracks and Falconpaw frowned at the big tom. Why was he stopping? They were just simply hunting together. "I know why you react that way, I'd like to thank you for taking in Gorsepaw" A raw edge had appeared in the voice of the tom-cat, but he wasn't falling for this crap. He was doing the exact same as Amberstorm! Playing the victim. He wasn't going to be the grown up for two cats. He just grunted softly to acknowledge the Gorsepaw thing. "And I'm willing to answer all your questions Falconpaw." His blue eyes shot up to the large tom cat and he breathed out harshly through his nose. "I don't agree with the choices you make." He said with a flick of the point of his tail. And he meant that. It all started back then, when Gorse had gotten a mentor. "Amberstorm is the wrong mentor for Gorsepaw. And don't give me that 'she's a great warrior' crap. You know yourself that she isn't the right mentor for Gorsepaw." He hissed at him. He even spoke his concerns to the tom about his mother, that he wasn't sure that she loved him and he just told him that she did love him. He didn't do anything else. "I didn't say anything because I trusted you to make the right choice for him, but after he came into the camp with bloodshot eyes from crying? And started crying as soon as I took him to my nest? That's unforgivable." He said while he squinted his eyes a little bit.
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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimedo 16 jan 2020 - 11:12

What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?

Quietly the big tom listened to Falconpaw who spoke his heart. He didn’t agree with the choices he had made and he understood why the young cat told him this. He was only half informed about the matter and had no idea wat else was going on. All he had seen was the grief of Gorsepaw and that was the reason he reacted the way he did. Falconpaw followed up with that Amberstorm wasn’t the right mentor for Gorsepaw and that he himself should know. He flickered his ears but remained silent. Sometimes it was best to just listen even if the other was irritated as Falconpaw clearly demonstrated with a hiss. The word unforgivable fell and he shot a glance at Falconpaw. “It wasn’t my choice to leave Shatteredice. She left me for Daintywhiff. Someone had to tell Gorsepaw and unfortunately that was me” he mewed and his eyes narrowed. “It wasn’t my choice to split up, but it happened anyway” he said his voice almost inaudible. He still could not understand why Shatteredice had chosen Daintywhiff. There was something wrong about it but in Camp she avoided him like he had fleas. He had thought about what Falconpaw had said about Amberstorm but he could not just assign a new mentor to Gorsepaw without a specific reason. And now Falconpaw was giving him one. But would it be in the best intererest of Gorsepaw to get a new mentor? He knew Amberstorm was doing a great job training Gorsepaw and teaching him the Warrior Code and being strict and loyal but the words Falconpaw spoke had a weight to them. “If you advice me as Medicine Cat to give Gorsepaw a new mentor I’ll give him one” he mewed and curled his tail over his front paws.

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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimedo 16 jan 2020 - 14:46

He was just plain angry with the choices Stallionstar made. He couldn't see why the tom would act this way with his son. His own son! Amberstorm was fine for the strictness and for the loyalty, but it was not what Gorsepaw needed at this moment. Gorsepaw needed a mentor he could talk to and was not mentally stable at the moment. She had her own issues that she should be working on instead of training Gorsepaw. And lastly of all, he found it unforgivable that his little brother had been crying in his nest and was just merely a fraction of the cat he had been just before that. Gorse didn't deserve to be treated like that and the tom should've known that. "It wasn't my choice to leave Shatteredice. She left me for Daintywhiff. Someone had to tell Gorsepaw and unfortunately that was me" the tom spoke as his eyes narrowed, but that wasn't an excuse for him. It was far from an excuse in his eyes. The tom wanted to what, play the card of the innocent? Like his mom? They were both at fault here, Shatteredice and Stallionstar. "It wasn't my choice to split up, but it happened anyway" He blew out air, discontent with the words of his leader. He still tried to be respectful, but it was hard when he was so mad at the tom-cat for hurting his best friend. "No, see, that's where you made a mistake." He said, his blue eyes pointed at the older tom. "You talked to him. Alone. There is no way for Gorse to see that you guys are doing okay. You are both his parents. This should've been something the both of you had to tell. Together. To show him that whatever happened still makes you a family." He said with disbelief on his face. Were they really that stupid? Gorse needed to know that everything was okay, that it was okay for them to split up. That there were other ways to tell them. "This way you only showed him that you're really apart. That the family completely broke up. That is what broke him." He said with an annoyed look on his face and an annoyed flick of his tail. It should've been that simple, just for them to act like parents and not like children. They had kids together, so if they were to split up they would still be parents together. They still had to act together as parents. "And I don't care who left whom. I care about Gorsepaw." He said, his ears flat in his neck from anger. He just couldn't believe the words he heard from the leader. He was supposed to have the wisdom that could lead the clan. Why did he have to learn every grownup how to react like a grownup? "If you advise me as Medicine Cat to give Gorsepaw a new mentor I'll give him one" The tom spoke, to which Falcon couldn't keep in a soft, annoyed growl. "I'm not talking to you right now as the Medicine Cat apprentice!" He exclaimed to the elder tom-cat. Why should his rank matter? Why was it so important to keep his rank in the back of his mind? "Why should it matter if I'm the Medicine Cat apprentice or not? I'm a concerned friend and brother of Gorsepaw! And my rank shouldn't matter if I wish to speak about that!" He said with a frown on his face. He just didn't understand why the tom was so focussed on his rank. Just because he was the medicine cat apprentice he would listen to him and do whatever he says?! That was just bull in his eyes. The tom was the leader and should listen to him as Gorse's best friend and brother, not because he was the medicine cat apprentice. "You're the leader. How can you not even see that right now, Amberstorm can't handle an apprentice with her current mental state?!" He hissed at the bigger tom. If even he, an apprentice could see that, how couldn't he see that? Why did he have to defend his own to the tom? Couldn't he see how mentally unstable his own deputy was? How she had problems piling up on her. The tom had seen how he had treated him and Hazelpaw, yet decided that his son, who is very sensitive, needed the she-cat who was so tough?! He couldn't even start to understand the leader in front of him. There were so many warriors that were a better fit for Gorsepaw, one where he could talk to without feeling scared to be yelled at. Because she could yell, he was the one who heard her yell the most times in a short time probably.
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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimezo 19 jan 2020 - 18:18

What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?

The words Falconpaw spoke made sense, he shouldn’t have talked to Gorsepaw alone. He nodded in agreement. The further explainment about wat broke Gorsepaw made his fur feel cold. They were apart, Daintywhiff had made sure of that and his family was broken. He didn’t know how to mend it back together but he knew it would take a lot of time and effort. “You’re right Falconpaw. I shouldn’t have talked to him alone” he mewed admitting his mistakes. Shakily he sucked in some air between his teeth en let it go out his nose. Falconpaw was geniunly worried about Gorsepaw, his friend and brother. “It wrong to do so, I only wanted to be hones with him” he mewed and twitched with his tail.
The young tom was worried about his mother as well, like any son would do. But the words he spoke about her mental state confuzed him. What did Falconpaw mean by that? “What exactlly do you mean by her mental state?” he mewed worried and alert. If there was something she wasn’t telling him there could be a whole new problem and to that he would not expose Gorsepaw.

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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimema 20 jan 2020 - 14:47

He just couldn't understand why the tom-cat was such an idiot when talking to his best friend. It was done completely wrong and he just couldn't see the tom's reasoning behind his ways. He was supposed to be the wise one, just like Amberstorm was supposed to be the mother and care for him. But those things apparently didn't happen in this world. This world was meant to be for the youngsters, for cats like him. He had to be the grown-up for everyone because he had to keep on thinking about the problems they made and solve them as well. It was insane to think that they solve their problems by a nine moon old apprentice. "You're right Falconpaw. I shouldn't have talked to him alone" The tom told him, admitted his mistake right in front of him. See? That was just an idiotic move of the tomcat. Why were they doing things like these? Geez. "It was wrong to do so, I only wanted to be honest with him" the spotted tom told him with a flick of his tail. Honest? Honest in the wrong way, that was for sure. "Learn from this, I won't let you screw up two times." He said bitterly to the leader. And that was something he meant. He didn't want to come up to the leader again to talk about this, because he wouldn't play nice anymore in that case.

And then he started about the second topic he wanted to talk about, which was still about Gorsepaw, but also about his mom. He couldn't believe how blind the guy was to things like these. He couldn't understand why the tom had not seen this coming but then again, he never saw this coming as well. That much was clear for him. "What exactly do you mean by her mental state?" He rolled his eyes at those words. Really? He's her deputy and he didn't even know what was going on? He grumbled softly, unhappy with the words of his leader. "Are you blind or something?" he gritted out to the tom with anger in his eyes. "She's working herself to death, do you think she's doing that because she's happy? Or because she's unhappy with her life? Unhappy with the cat she has come to be?" He hissed to the tom with fury. How he just thought everything was fine was a wonder to him, because this seemed like this was not fine at all without even telling him that something had happened. He wasn't just going to tell the tom about all the family problems that he had, but really, most cats could see that she was not in a good mood, that she had never been in a good mood. "What kind of mom would walk away without even saying anything when you become a medicine cat apprentice?" He said with disbelief in his eyes. Because that hadn't been a sign for the tom that something was wrong? Nah, everything was just fine in the eyes of the tom, geez.
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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimema 20 jan 2020 - 20:11

What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?

The snarls Falconpaw kept making were starting to irritate him but he would let the young tom blow off the steam he needed to. The bitter tone telling him not to screw up a second time made his neckfur rise. “I néver intended to hurt Gorsepaw and am not starting right now or in the future. I would rather die than hurt him” he mewed sharply pinning Falconpaw down with his steady green gaze. The father aspect started to roar inside the tom's chest because the big tom meant it, Gorsepaw was the most important thing in his life and he hated that he had hurt his son. All he could hope for was that Gorsepaw would forgive him in time, forgive him for telling him alone.

The rolling of the two blue eyes had not escaped his green gaze. Falconpaw asked him if he was blind or something. “Well, maybe I am” he mewed. “I am not all knowing, I'm just a cat like you that sometimes makes mistakes. It's what makes us us.” he mewed and listened to what else Falconpaw had to tell him. He told him that Amberstorm was working herself to death. And her reasons, was it because she was happy? Or because she was unhappy with her life and the cat she had came to be. A deep frown formed in his forehead. For as long as he had known Amberstorm she had been stubborn and unforgiving to other cats. Cat’s she didn’t like she pushed away and that was exactly what she was doing now. He only flickered his ears as Falconpaw continued in rage. Maybe there was a lot more the young tom was not telling him. With the last words Falconpaw spoke it all fell into it’s place. It clicked and he rose to his paws again with the frown disappearing. “A mother who, just like her son had a lot on her plate” he mewed more friendly now. “I understand your anger Falconpaw, Gorsepaw is important to you. He also is important to me” he mewed and inhaled deeply. “I’ll have a talk with your mother when we get back to Camp. Maybe it will help her to have a cat listening to her. As for you Falconpaw, I see you worry about a lot of things. I will take care of talking with your mother, will you take care of your training?” he asked and felt a strong breeze tug at his fur. It was if the wind was telling him to get to hunting. “And please, even tough I’m not your favourite cat right now, know you can always talk with me”

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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimedi 4 feb 2020 - 0:26

He just couldn’t understand the incompetence of their leader. He was supposed to know things like these, cats looked up to him to make the right choices as their leader. Yet he didn’t. He was supposed to be the wise one, the one everyone could advice of. And yet.. Yet he only made him more angry. Weren’t leaders supposed to know how to handle things like these? It was plain angering to see him struggle like this. ”I never intended to hurt Gorsepaw and am not starting right now or in the future. I would rather die than hurt him” The tom-cat spoke, his green eyes staring down in his blue eyes. Some cats might’ve been impressed, but he stared down into his mothers eyes loads of times. And the eyes of his mom were more devastating than the angry eyes of the tom in front of him.
He asked the tom-cat if he was blind, not knowing what was going on. ”Well, maybe I am” the tom-cat spoke to him, to which he squinted his eyes slightly. This was not a time to make jokes, really. ”I am not all knowing, I’m just a cat like you that sometimes makes mistakes. It’s what makes us us.” He was not here to hear about things like this. This was not an excuse for not knowing what was going on. This was far from an excuse. He should know things like this. The tom just frowned at his words about his mom, like he had never seen it before. He knew it, he just closed his eyes like everyone else was doing. Not caring about how their clanmate was doing. It was a disgrace because now a little boy had to go around and fix everything because the grown-ups couldn’t do it themselves. They can’t even name themselves grown-ups if he had to fix everything. ”A mother who, just like her son had a lot on her plate” Really? That again? He rolled, again, with his blue eyes. At least he was dealing with it like an adult instead of a little kitten. ”I understand your anger Falconpaw, Gorsepaw is important to you. He also is important to me” He just wanted to walk away from this horrible conversation. ‘important’ wasn’t even beginning to explain how he felt about his little brother. Gorse was just like Hazel for him, he would die for them if he had to. ”I’ll have a talk with your mother when we get back to Camp. Maybe it will help her to have a cat listening to her. As for you Falconpaw, I see you worry about a lot of things. I will take care of talking with your mother, will you take care of your training?” He flicked with his tail, annoyed. He already tried talking to his mom, several times in fact. It wasn’t like she was going to open up to Stallionstar like that. He wouldn’t believe she would at least. ”And please, even though I’m not your favourite cat right now, know you can always talk with me” His fur bristled slightly at those words and he breathed out pretty loud through his nose, looking at the tom, thinking about the words that he had to say to him. ”It’s my job to worry.” He told the tom-cat with slightly squinted eyes. ”I wouldn’t be a good medicine cat apprentice if I didn’t.” He said before turning around and looking out to the fields. ”I’m done talking now. Figure thangs out before it gets even more dung.” He spoke loud and clear. Because he meant it, Stallionstar had things to figure out before he could speak to anyone about stuff like this. Just like he had. ”For now, I close this topic. Training.” He said, looking over his shoulder to the bigger tom-cat.
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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] 79e0b5b892cd3413d4d14b3165517b111

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Senior Warrior {Previous Leader}
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimewo 19 feb 2020 - 9:23

What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?

It was quite difficult to hear from a younger cat that he was not as sharp as he needed to be. Still it was something he had to take in consideration. Falconpaw replied to him that it was his job to worry about cats and he flickered his tail. Sometimes he would forget how important it was to have a cat that just worried about everyone. ”I’m done talking now. Figure thangs out before it gets even more dung.” mewed the red Apprentice and he felt a light bristle in his fur. It would be best for now to stop talking but a part of him wanted to ask Falconpaw one last thing but he restrained form the question. He had a lot of figuring out to do and it was best to do that with a clear head. “…Training” mewed Falconpaw and he rose to his paws. “Indeed. I know you can hunt but how about fighting techniques? I want to start with a front paw blow” he mewed and started walking to find a nice round stone. “Usually you train this with other Apprentices but since they aren’t with us you can practice on this stone” he mewed and rolled a grey round stone forward with his paw. “You need to see this stone as the head of a cat. You bring your front paw down hard at this with sheathed claws if you’re practicing and unsheathed if it is a enemy” he explained. Training and things he knew weren’t a problem, it were the things he didn’t knew. “Go ahead” he mewed and gestured towards the stone. For a short moment he examined the build of Falconpaw, maybe after this they could do the leap-and-hold move.

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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] SCwUkVM
If it's me, it'll be okay

Age: Thirtythree moons ღ
Gender: Tomcat ♂
Rank: Moorrunner
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitimedi 14 apr 2020 - 23:22

He was frustrated. So frustrated. He could feel it etched in his bones. Thank StarClan that they were going to do some fighting practice. He wouldn't know what else to do if he was going to hunt. He would probably get even more frustrated than he already was. Hunting was frustrating to him, he wasn't focussed enough to do something with it. Fighting though? His body was ready to fight. He could feel it in his muscles, ready to strike. Tingling with the need to strike and get it out of his system. Almost like his mom, the resemblance was quite clear in situations like these. Though he was in luck that he was a lot nicer when he wasn't ticked off. And that fact that he wasn't ticked off quite a lot. He didn't have a bad temper as his mom did. “Indeed. I know you can hunt but how about fighting techniques? I want to start with a front paw blow” He almost wanted to make a 'hmpf' sound, but he refrained from doing so. He was better in fighting than he was in hunting, he knew that much. “Usually you train this with other Apprentices but since they aren’t with us you can practice on this stone” A stone. Great. Though he understood that it probably wasn't clever to let him fight with another apprentice right now, especially while he was still frustrated. He could accidentally hurt another apprentice and that wouldn't be what he wanted. He didn't want to hurt innocent bystanders because of his frustration. “You need to see this stone as the head of a cat. You bring your front paw down hard at this with sheathed claws if you’re practicing and unsheathed if it is an enemy” Unsheathed even huh? He liked the sound of that. Without any hesitation, his nails left their safe sheaths. His muscles started to roll under his pelt while he waited for the go. “Go ahead” He wasn't going to be told that twice. Without any hesitation, he dove forward, towards the rock. He pounced, hard, with his front paw. His nails unsheathed against the hard rock. He was quick in his movements, just as quick as he could run. Hunting wasn't his strong forte, but this? This was like it was flowing through his veins. He set his jaw slightly, before looking at the other tom. "Like that, right?" he said without any doubt in his voice. It wasn't really a question either, it was more of a statement.
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BerichtOnderwerp: Re: All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]   All that was me is gone [Falconpaw] Icon_minitime

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All that was me is gone [Falconpaw]
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