We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
Newleaf, 10°C - 20°C
Langzaam maar zeker komen de eerste bloemen weer op. De zon breekt weer door wat zorgt voor een aantal warme dagen. Newleaf zet alles in volle bloei.
Onderwerp: The rugged territory ma 7 okt 2019 - 21:23
I watched the storm, so beautiful yet terrifying
Ze was ooit meegenomen door haar papa en een andere mysterieuze kat naar highstones, wat uiteraard een fantastisch avontuur was wat Pepperpaw betrof. Niets had haar avond beter kunnen maken dan dat, behalve dat ze haar mama alsnog niet gesproken had. Dat was dan wel weer een teleurstelling. Maar ondanks dat Pepperpaw dat ontzettend jammer had gevonden, mocht dat de pret niet drukken en had ze het opgeslagen als een zeer positieve ervaring. In tegenstelling tot het vertrek van haar vader, wat ze maar moeilijk te verkroppen vond. Het feit dat hij zo goed omging met een rogue kattin was haar echter wel bijgebleven. Vandaar ook dat Pepperpaw met achteruit gedraaide oren de grens over stak naar de rogue gebieden, op zoek naar die zilverkleurige kattin. Misschien was papa wel bij haar...
Sans 4445 Actief “Something about her is so tempting to look at. Her anger has a childish aura as if she isn’t made of real evil; just a bratty princess playing with her toy fangs.”
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory vr 6 dec 2019 - 18:17
De poes lag lang uit op een boom tak, te luieren natuurlijk. Ze was het kamp zat en wilde wat rust en stilte. Of tja voor hoe rustig het hier kon zijn, er waren namelijk genoeg geluiden te horen. Brat snorde toen er opeens een geur haar neusgaten vulde, een geur die ze niet had gedacht hier tegen te komen. Al snel kreeg ze de bron in haar gezichtsveld. Onder haar liep een kat die Brat wel eens eerder had mogen ontmoeten. Grijzend sloeg de kattin met haar poot op een tak naast haar waardoor er allemaal verschillende kleuren bladeren naar benden vielen. 'You know young grasshopper.' begon ze rustig en op een vrij neutrale toon. 'You really should'nt be here.'
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory vr 6 dec 2019 - 19:05
I watched the storm, so beautiful yet terrifying
Pepperpaw carefully picked her way though the thick undergrowth, her clear blue eyes flitting from the left to the right. Even though she was hidden by the ferns, she felt strangely exposed in the rogue territories. There was no clan to protect her here, no one she could call out to if she got into trouble. Still, she spurred herself on, filled with the desire to find her father. If we wouldn't come back, she would drag him back, or at least ask him why he left. Her fur stood on end when leaves danced all around her all of the sudden. It took her a heartbeat, but she quickly looked up, spotting the ginger she-cat with.. one.. eye.. Pepperpaw's heart skipped a beat. She had met this one before, before Acorndust chased her away. "Oh, I know you! You.. are called.. Brat right?" she ventured, carefully.
Sans 4445 Actief “Something about her is so tempting to look at. Her anger has a childish aura as if she isn’t made of real evil; just a bratty princess playing with her toy fangs.”
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory vr 6 dec 2019 - 19:28
It didn't take long for the young cat to her find in the treetop, among the autumn colored leaves. Some of which were just as vibrant as her own pelt. The shadowclanner spoke back to her, although she was clearly careful in doing so. The grin of the red she-cat became even wider when the apprentice still knew her name. It was a pleasant surprise. For Brat, didn't think the yonger cat would remember it. Their last meeting was a awhile ago after all. 'You are correct little grasshopper.' While the words left her mouth the Elite member let her head be supported by one of her paws. 'And you're name is Pepperpaw is it not?'
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory vr 6 dec 2019 - 19:38
I watched the storm, so beautiful yet terrifying
Pepperpaw gazed at the fiery coloured she-cat. At this point, she was wary but not yet scared. Still, she traced every movement of the Bloodclan cat with her gaze. She did not want to fear this cat who had done nothing to her yet, purely based on the words of her mentor, but a little caution would not hurt. She felt words bubbling up in her chest when the she-cat called her, yet again, a grasshopper. Didn't she remember Pepperpaw's name? Apparantly, she did, as she used it in her next comment. Pepperpaw nodded slowly at her words, "That is correct mrs," she replied politely, straining her neck slightly with looking up. At the same time, she did not mind at all that the she-cat was still up there.
Rilana 126 Actief Ask if you want, I always answer. C;
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory vr 6 dec 2019 - 20:49
Hij wist dat ie ver van huis was, maar misschien kon hij wat ontdekken nu Moonpaw toch hier buiten was wat hem kon helpen hem van zijn angst af te helpen? Maar al snel rook hij twee vreemde katten geuren. Eentje was overduidelijk schaduw clan, maar die andere welke was die? niet van een eenling toch? De zilveren kater stapte langzaam dichterbij en hij had nog niets van het gesprek gehoord, maar misschien waren ze vriendelijk? Tenminste dat leek zo te zijn? Misschien was er niets om bang voor te zijn...
Sans 4445 Actief “Something about her is so tempting to look at. Her anger has a childish aura as if she isn’t made of real evil; just a bratty princess playing with her toy fangs.”
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory vr 6 dec 2019 - 23:13
The apprentice confirmed what she already knew. Names are rarely changed and she certainly did not look old enough to be come a warrior any time soon. Brat was however quite surprised by the politeness which the apprentice used to address her. Since she, as you can imagine wasn't really used to that sort of formality. But to say that she didn't like it would be a lie. 'Let's get back to the matter at hand shall we?' she spoke in the same manner as she did previously. 'Why are you here? Or to be more Specific, why are you here alone. Don't you this place can be very dangerous? a dark glistering was to be seen in her only functioning eye. Though it was something the apprentice obviously could not witness for Brat was way to high up. ' After all,you never know what creatures reside in these woods. waiting for perfect moment to strike little grasshoppers like you down. Speaking of 'creatures hiding in the woods.' It seemed like the two of them had company.
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory vr 6 dec 2019 - 23:58
I watched the storm, so beautiful yet terrifying
Pepperpaw kept her gaze fixed upward, her head slightly tilted while she looked up at the Bloodclan she-cat. Her one blinded eye was eerie, Pepperpaw had to admit, but she was not one to judge and she most certainly did not want to try out if she had multiple lives by asking the she-cat about it. The she-cat immediately went back to business however. Pepperpaw shuffled her paws awkwardly and looked down at them at the barrage of questions the she-cat threw at her. "I am kind of looking for someone.. But I'm not allowed to tell who, I'm sorry," she pushed her ears back in her neck, flattening them. Acorndust would flay her. He probably already would because she was here though. Scratch that, he would flay her twice. Pepperpaw looked rather spooked by her following words, her eyes widened and she shifted her paws nervously, looking ready to bolt. "N-nobody will strike m-me down," the she-cat protested, stammering, staying as focused as she could on the Bloodclan she-cat. So focused that she never noticed the other cat lurking in the undergrowth.
Rilana 126 Actief Ask if you want, I always answer. C;
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory za 7 dec 2019 - 1:00
Nog door het dorre hoge gras met brandnetel stengels verborgen stapte Moonpaw zo kalm mogelijk voort. Hij probeerde zijn zenuwen in bedwang te houden nieuwe katten ontmoeten was iets waar de jonge kater van gruwelde. Gek genoeg voelde het ook weer spannend om iets nieuws uit te proberen. Zijn blik ging nog in het rond tot hij een kat in de boom liggend op een tak zag. Zij rook onbekend voor hem nog wel, maar de kat die dichtbij hem was rook bekender. Die vieze geur kwam wel eens vanaf het donderpad aanwaaien als de wind richting donder clan territorium stond. Het gras week uit een tot de varens voor hem het meeste zicht belemmerde. Hé jasses! Moonpaw zou ze laten ritselen die verdroogde krengen als hij er doorheen liep. Maar onder twee kluiten was een behoorlijke ruimte wanneer hij zich door zijn poten liet zakken. Dus deed Moon Dat. Al kruipend kroop de zilveren kater onder de varens door. Hij wilde hen niet laten schrikken nog op stang jagen nee Moon Wilde enkel een gesprek aanknopen. Maar of de andere twee katten dat ook zo zouden zien? Hij kwam al bijna onder de varens uit met een zucht wilde hij net weer omhoog komen...
Sans 4445 Actief “Something about her is so tempting to look at. Her anger has a childish aura as if she isn’t made of real evil; just a bratty princess playing with her toy fangs.”
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory zo 8 dec 2019 - 16:32
The young she cat and her reactions were very amusing, And quite interesting, looking for someone are we now? Someone who can't even be named, oh the secrecy. Brat waved with her paw to the young cat. 'I was just joking darling, i'm sure you can protect yourself.' she spoke her voice somewhat friendlier than before. After she has spoken the other cat appready from the bushes. And the smell of Thunderclan filled up her nose. Brat could not see the cat in question very well. But he looks even younger than pepperpaw did. The Elite member narrowed her eye at the tom-cat and sniffed loudly to To make her irritation at the interruption clear. 'Were you trying to spy on us?'
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory ma 9 dec 2019 - 21:08
I watched the storm, so beautiful yet terrifying
Pepperpaw her spiked pelt slowly flattened again slightly when the Bloodclan she-cat assured her that she was only kidding around. Pepperpaw was not entirely sure of this, Acorndust his warnings still flitting in the back of her mind, but was slightly comforted by the words of the ginger and white she-cat. Pepperpaw did not have a lot of distrust in her heart. "I can," Pepperpaw confirmed with slightly more confidence. Her relief was shortlived, however, as another cat appeared from the bushes. Pepperpaw flattened her ears slightly and stepped back from both the Thunderclan apprentice and Brat, just to be sure she could make a run for it. "Who are you?" she decided to ask, with a hint of curiosity in her voice.
Rilana 126 Actief Ask if you want, I always answer. C;
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory ma 9 dec 2019 - 22:54
Het gesprek ging verder en hoewel hij totaal er niets van verstond kroop hij toch dichterbij. Was het wel een goed idee geweest? Misschien. Moonpaw kwam net onder de varens door toen een geïrriteerd gesnuif op klonk. Hij keek half geschrokken op naar de kat die het duidelijk tegen hem had, maar Moon kon haar enkel even aan kijken voor ook de andere kat die wel ouder dan hem was, maar ook duidelijk jonger dan de kat in de boom tegen hem sprak. De zilveren leerling wist even niet wat hij kon doen dan zeggen dat hij hun woorden niet begreep. Wat dit buiten clanse taal? 'Sorry ik begrijp er helemaal niets van...' verklaarde Moonpaw en hij drukte zich op in een zittende houding en keek even van de flame point kattin als naar de rood/witte kattin in de boom. Ze roken te zoet van geur om katers te zijn. Oh jeetje?! Hij had toch geen meiden onderonsje binnen gevallen? Door het misschien besef waar hij zich verwikkelt had gingen zijn oren hangen, maar in feite zou ze situatie nog vele malen gevaarlijker kunnen uitpakken als het de verkeerde kant op zou gaan natuurlijk... Zijn onzekerheid was duidelijk te zien, Moonpaw was geen kei in het verbergen van zijn emoties als het ging om vreemde katten ontmoeten.
Michelle 6649 Actief So many men have tried to kill me, I don’t remember all their names.
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory ma 9 dec 2019 - 23:34
Het is over het algemeen niet de bedoeling om in het nederlands op een engelstalig topic te reageren en dan al helemaal niet om vervolgens jouw karakter de andere karakters niet te laten verstaan. Dit levert veel onduidelijkheden op.
Gelieve of je volgende post in het engels te schrijven, of op andere open (Nederlandse) topics te reageren. Mocht je nou heel graag met Pepperpaw en Brat willen posten, kan je deze twee altijd een pm sturen voor een nieuw topic! Voor nu mogen deze twee jouw reeds geschreven posts als niet bestaand beschouwen en doorposten in het Engels.
Mocht je hier vragen of opmerkingen over hebben, mag je die in prive sturen. OOC antwoorden in dit topic is niet toegestaan.
mvg Butterstar
Rilana 126 Actief Ask if you want, I always answer. C;
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory di 10 dec 2019 - 1:19
[size=48]The conversation continued and although he did not understand it at all because he was to busy to crawling out of under the plants, he crawled closer. Had it been a good idea? Perhaps. Moonpaw just came under the ferns when an irritated sniff came up. He looked up, half shocked, at the cat who clearly was talking to him from off a tree branch, but Moon could only look at her befor a other cat who was older than him, but also clearly younger than the cat in the tree spoke to him. The silver apprentice did not know for a moment what he could do but look confused at the cat in the tree and back to the other on the ground. Why would he spy on someone? "Sorry, I don't understand a thing about it ... Why would I?" Moonpaw explained, pressing himself into a sitting position and looking from the flame point cat for a moment as to the red / white cat in the tree. They smell too sweet of scent to be Tom-cats. Oh dear ?! He hadn't invaded a girls' party? Because of the "maybe" realization where he might have been embroiled, his ears got hung halfway down, but in fact it could turn out to be even more dangerous if things were to go the wrong way, of course ... His uncertainty could be clearly seen, Moonpaw was no champion in hiding his emotions when it came to meeting strange cats.[/size]
Sans 4445 Actief “Something about her is so tempting to look at. Her anger has a childish aura as if she isn’t made of real evil; just a bratty princess playing with her toy fangs.”
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory wo 11 dec 2019 - 13:46
The explanation the tom cat gave her was to say in a polite manner; very unsatisfactory. Was he really such an idiot? Or was he just pretending to play the fool? So he may trick them later. Could very well be; it was one of the oldest trick in the book. Make yourself out to be as weak and stupid as you possibly can. And when they least expect it you strike.Wary the Elite member narrowed her eye. 'What are you talking about?' she hissed very irritated at the Thunderclan apprentice. 'And why are you here today? Going for a leisurely stroll or something?' She asked him on quite the demanding tone. She wanted to know Since he obviously wasn't here with Pepperpaw to help her look for this secret cat. So there must be some other reason. He didn't just come all the way here for nothing right?
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory do 19 dec 2019 - 16:19
I watched the storm, so beautiful yet terrifying
A young Thunderclan tom had entered the small clearing that Pepperpaw had made her way too. She could feel the sentiments shift, with the Bloodclan she-cat’s attention turning towards the silver tabby tom. The tom started talking in a confused manner, which annoyed the Bloodclan member. Pepperpaw hesitated for a moment, mulling over her options. Bloodclan members were dangerous according to Acorndust and even though Brat had not proven this yet, Pepperpaw took this as an opportunity to flee. Without a word she whisked away, skipping over logs and swerving between trees to hightail it back to Shadowclan territory. Good luck Thunderclan apprentice!
[Pepperpaw left the topic]
Rilana 126 Actief Ask if you want, I always answer. C;
Onderwerp: Re: The rugged territory wo 1 jan 2020 - 23:19
The tone of the she-cat in the tree suddenly started to sound irritated. Moonpaw could have imagined that he might have made his entrance at a cerk moment, but his confusion and nervousness only grew because of her commanding tone. His gaze flashed between that of the cat in the tree as to the Flame point she-cat that stood a little farther up from him. But she suddenly flee before Moon could have said anything. Fear took more and more possession of him when he only saw the tail of the shadow clanner disappear into the distance. Oh boy ... now what? Moonpaw swallowed hard and just wanted to turn around and also flee, but suddenly realized that this was exactly what he had been looking for, right ... At least not to have to feel as anxious as any other cat in such a tone spoke to him, although Moonpaw did not immediately change his position, he tried to look into the cat's piercing eyes in the tree. "Well ... I was ... just walking." Moonpaw tried to sound confident, but his voice was still shaking like a straw in the wind.