To feel everything so very deeply [Relationships]

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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 To feel everything so very deeply [Relationships]

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To feel everything so very deeply [Relationships] BXcdW76
★You are, I think, an evening star.
The fairest of all stars

Age: ❀51 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
Rank: Senior Warrior
BerichtOnderwerp: To feel everything so very deeply [Relationships]   To feel everything so very deeply [Relationships] Icon_minitimema 29 jul 2019 - 15:28

Komt ooit af

■■ Acquainted
■■■ Friendly
■■■■ Friends
■■■■■ Best friends

■■ Respects
■■■ Idolizes

■■ Distrust
■■■ Fear
■■■■ Terrified

■■ Upset
■■■ Angry
■■■■ Hate

■■ Resents
■■■ Jealous

■■ Sad
■■■ Heartbroken

■■ Love (platonic)
■■■ Old love
■■■■ Crush

■■ Curious
■■■ Confused

(Adopted) Family
■■ Apprentice


ACEFRAY ❖ ■■■■■
Routnose has a strong affinity towards the Shadowclan medicine cat and respects him deeply, forever grateful for when he came to offer his help during the fox attack. She does, however, feel a little bit intimidated by his size and the fact that he once killed a Windclan cat, even if it was out of self defense.

Bitterpaw❖ ■■ ■■
Back when Bitterpaw was still a Medicine cat apprentice, Routnose/paw used to see her regularly at the half moon gatherings. She has always looked up to the older, grey she-cat though a bit intimidated by her sharp demeanor. They haven't spoken since Bitterpaw gave up her rank and Routnose wonders why she made that choice

Bloodpaw ❖ ■■■
Seeing Bloodpaw never fails to puts a smile on Routnose's face. She is oblivious to his obvious discomfort around Windclan and just thinks he's a sweet little guy.

Pepperpaw ❖ ■■■■ ■■ ■■
Routnose sees Pepperpaw almost as her daughter and feels the same parental love for her. She cherishes Pepperpaw dearly and enjoys spending as much time as she can with the young she-cat, still feeling a bit upset about her leaving Windclan

Tallstar ❖ ■■■ ■■ ■■
She and the Shadowlan leader get along quite well. Whereas Routnose feels a bit puzzled about his friendliness and willingness to help her swim, she appreciates his positive and helpful attitude.


Jayflame ❖ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■■ ■■■
Jayflame was Routnose her first love. They became inseparable during the journey and eventually, as they returned to clan territory, acknowledged the fact that they were both in love. Shortly after admitting this, Jayflame broke off all contact and never spoke to her again. Routnose realized it was for the best to break things off, but feels deeply hurt by the fact that Jayflame decided to avoid and ignore her instead of having that conversation.

Mistgaze ❖ ■■ ■■
Routnose feels a strong connection with all Medicine cats and whereas she doesn't know Mistgaze too well, respects and looks up to her.

Rousebell ❖ ■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■
Routnose and Rousebell have known each other long before either of them got their medicine cat apprentice rank and always got along really well. Routnose adores her friend and used to have a girl crush on her, kind of still does. She's not in love with Rousebell, but cares for her very deeply and feels sad about the fact that they can no longer spend as much time together as they did during the journey.


Butterstar ❖ ■■ ■■■■ ■■
Routnose feels deeply intimidated by the Riverclan leader. She does respect her, but cannot forgive her for killing Northdrift in battle.

Chivysniff ❖ ■■■ ■■
Routnose looks up to the Riverclan medicine cat but feels a deeply rooted guilt and sadness for the fact that she was attacked by one of her clanmates.

Cobradusk ❖ ■■ ■■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■
Routnose feels wholeheartedly conflicted about her brother. She will forever love him and keep the old childhood memories they have together, but will never be able to forgive him for killing her clanmate and the attempted murder on their other brother, Tomtitgaze.

Coyotepaw ❖ ■■■
Routnose likes and admired Coyotepaw for her positivism and enthusiasm

Panthergrowl ❖ ■■ ■■■ ■■
Routnose is very fearful of the Riverclan deputy and feels very upset about the fact that he, unknowingly, caused Panthersoul's death.

Quietcreek ❖ ■■ ■■
Routnose had a pleasant conversation with Quietcreek and feels quite positively about him

Warhound ❖ ■■ ■■ ■■■
Warhound always manages to leave Routnose very confused and very uneasy. She doesn't really like him too much.


Abysshowl ❖ ■■ ■■ ■■■
Routnose is very respectful towards this elder but also thinks she's very scary.

Amberstorm ❖ ■■■■ ■■
Routnose sees Amberstorm as her friend. She admires her strong character and willingness to improve herself.

Bearpaw RIP ❖ ■■■■
Bearpaw used to be a close friend of Routnose, they got into trouble for sneaking out at night once. He died due to a dog attack during the journey when they were both still apprentices.

Bronzemask  RIP❖ ■■ ■■
Routnose has a deep respect for the former Windclan deputy and mourns both her dead and the fact that Routnose was unable to save her  

Burnetbliss ❖ ■■■■ ■■ ■■■ ■■ ■■■
Routnose and Burnetbliss have known each other ever since Burnetbliss was just a kitten and Routnose only an apprentice. They used to have a really strong bond but over time this worsened. Routnous feels like Burnetbliss has turned against her and avoids her, which she finds to be quite hurtful and uncalled for.

Crowcall ❖ ■■■
Both Crowcall and Routnose seem to have the same opinion about a lot of things. Routnose enjoys talking to her and hopes to befriend her.

Dewpaw ❖ ■■■
Routnose enjoys Dewpaw's company due to her positive attitude and enthusiasm about her rank.

Dinspots ❖ ■■■■■ ■■■■
Routnose promised to keep her heart for herself after Jayflame, but failed miserably. She is very much in love with Dinspots and finds comfort in his company when everything else gets her down. She does however feel quite guilty considering that she is not allowed to be in any romantic relationship due to her rank. Because of this she is quite hesitant to label what they have as a relationship, but couldn’t live without him.

Evergreen ❖ ■■ ■■■ ■■
Routnose used to be terrified of the former leader, but is now able to see past her scary facade and see the wise and trustworthy person underneath. She has deep respect for Evergreen and hopes to make her proud.

Falconpaw ❖ ■■
Routnose seems to have an interest in the young tom and appreciates his curiosity

Iciclecloud RIP ❖ ■■ ■■
Even after all these moons Routnose still feels a sense of guilt because she blames herself for Iciclecloud's death

Ivoryrose ❖ ■■ ■■■
Routnose is a bit taken back by Ivoryrose's reaction to finding out she was pregananante

Laurelpaw ❖ ■■
Routnose sees potential in Laurelpaw and knows there’s more to her than just anger and hatred. She hopes to see Laurelpaw open up and be happy one day.

Lizardpath ❖ ■■■■ ■■■ ■■
 Lizardpath is Routnose's old mentor and means the world to her. She owes all her knowledge to the older she-cat and gets along with her very well.

Milkykit ❖ ■■■■ ■■
Routnose sees Milkykit somewhat as her daughter, secretly wishing she was actually her own. She gets along real well with the kitten and wishes for nothing more than to see her grow up into a beautiful, happy and healthy she-cat.

Mousewish ❖ ■■■■ ■■■ ■■
 Mousewish is Routnose her starry-eyed friend. She is very thankful for her comfort and wise words and looks up to the pretty starclan she-cat.

Oceanstar RIP ❖ ■■■■ ■■ ■■
 Oceanstar was Routnose her close friend and leader. She respects her and misses her dearly.

Owlbate ❖ ■■■ ■■
 Routnose told Starclan Owlbate should be deputy. She has no doubt in his qualities and is proud to see one of the kits she helped birth grow up to be so successful

Panthersoul RIP❖ ■■■■■ ■■
Panthersoul was one of Routnoses oldest friends. They were apprentices together and have always gotten along very well. She feel devastated by his death and blames herself for not being there when he passed away.

Pollenpuff ❖ ■■■
Routnose often has a hard time figuring Pollenpuff out and getting along with her. She is a little annoyed by her rebellious nature but secretly finds that a little amusing as well.

Puddleshine ❖ ■■■ ■■
Puddleshine and Routnose used to be very close friends. Over the years their friendship has faded a bit

Quietstep ❖ ■■■■■ ■■ ■■ ■■■
Quietstep used to be Routnose her closest friend. She found comfort in him and trusted him with her whole heart. He decided to stay in the mountains when the clans where about to return to their homelands. Routnose misses him deeply and hopes he’s well, though she feels very upset about the fact that he didn’t want to return with them

Raptorecho RIP ❖ ■■■■■ ■■ ■■■
Raptorecho once threatened to hurt every one Routnose loved. She was terrified of him and saw that his soul was rotten.

Stallionstar ❖ ■■■■ ■■ ■■
Stallionheart is a very important cat for Routnose and she sees him somewhat as a father-like figure. He used to be her mentor before she became a medicine cat and has always been there for her ever since. She gets along with him very well and will always support and help him.

Tigergaze ❖ ■■■■■ ■■■ ■■■
 Back when Routnose was still a regular apprentice, she used to have a crush on Tigergaze an idolized him. They grew up to be very close friends, she even helped him bury his dead son Skykit. Their relationship became a bit bruised after Tigergaze got infected with a nasty disease and attacked her. Routnose is a bit wary of him, but still loves him as much as she used to do and knows that inside, he’s a good cat

Tomtitgaze ❖ ■■■■ ■■ ■■■
Tomtitgaze is Routnose her twin brother. As siblings do, they have their ups and downs and differ quite a lot from each other personality-wise. She loves him, but does not like the fact that he fought with her other brother, Cobradusk.  

Wisteriakit ❖ ■■■ ■■
Routnose feels a strong affinity towards Wisteriakit but worries a lot about her mysterious health condition.

Wrensnout ❖ ■■■ ■■ ■■
Wrensnout is Routnose's grandmother. Even though she does not always agree with the elders’ view, she respect for her and enjoys spending time together.


Lethal❖ ■■ ■■■■ ■■ ■■ ■■
Sweetheart, now Lethal, used to know Routnose's mother before her untimely death. She used to see
the big she-cat as some sort of aunt until she left for Bloodclan, leaving her feeling betrayed.

Draco ❖ ■■■ ■■■
Routnose once helped Draco when he was injured. She has not seen him since


Clouddust❖ ■■■
Routnose has spoken to Clouddust only once but enjoyed his company


xxx ❖
Rout kent geen kittypets ):

Code by Babs

It is both a blessing and a curse
To feel everything so very deeply [Relationships] 30590612_yVgB0fTiWICp29j
to feel everything so very deeply
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