Short description: A ginger tabby tom with darker ears and pale blue eyes.
Character description:This tom is a cat you don’t want to cross in battle, he is fierce and protective and will not hesitate to take any actions necessary. Though he can be very hot tempered he can be silent and calculating when needed. Learning how to control his emotions is a big task for him but as he grows older he will ultimately learn how.
The good: < Sweet - Dedicated - Proud >
Clouddancer can best be described as a very sweet cat, on his surface he does not seem to bear any ill will towards any of his Clanmates or other Clan’s but looks can deceive. As he continues to grow and becomes stronger, he will see that dedication and hard work will pay off later in life. Still family is everything for this tom, he wants to make his parents proud and he himself wants to be proud of what he has achieved. He will be kind and thoughtful towards the Queens in his Clan and maybe even a bit known for his soft spot with them.
The bad: < Tactless - Stubborn - Guided by his heart >
While this tom has a soft spot for the more vulnerable he can be quite tactless when he speaks. He does not care for the feelings of his fellow cat’s and is quite frank about it too. He will speak his mind and is not afraid to heed the consequences about those words. This will make him a valuable asset to his Clan. In his opinion he can be stubborn and not willing to see it the way others do, he believes he is right and no other cat can tell him otherwise. If they do they might get their nose snapped at, but in doing so he is only led by his heart and his believes in what is right.
The ugly: < Temperamental - Protective - Opinionated >
When he believes he is right he will stick with his point, even to the point he gets very temperamental and judgemental towards the other cat that started the question or fight. He will stand up and fight for what he believes is right and not beat around the bush about it.
While others might see it as smothering his brothers and sisters he only wants to protect his family, he knows his family does not need his protective nature but if any cat would only lay a paw on his family they will know it!
Off from being temperamental and protective Clouddancer is very opinionated about Clanmatters, he will always be in favour of war to solve problems with other Clan’s. With this unpopular opinion he will earn some battle wounds and scars but he will wear them as a crown.