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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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Lionpaw  Zt19C6Q
"Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace."

Age: 16 moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: Lionpaw    Lionpaw  Icon_minitimeza 9 mei 2020 - 19:25

Lionpaw  6kt2uJY

Lionpaw  6j8w62P
Name: Lionpaw
Former names: Lionkit
Future names: Lion-? Lionstar?
Rank: Apprentice
Former ranks: Kitten
Future ranks: Warrior? Medicine cat (apprentice)? Deputy? Leader? Elder? Rogue? ....
Clan: ThunderClan
Former Clans: None
Future Clans: StarClan? BloodClan? .....
Gender: Female (She-cat)
Sexuality: Not found out yet ==> heterosexual?

Trained by: Currently still by Eveningglow
Mentor of: Nobody yet

Lionpaw  Qu7epFy
Parents: Zealspark † x Briarlight † (fostermon: Jewelgeam)
Mom: Briarlight
Dad: Zealspark
Siblings: 1
Brother: Polarpaw
Sisters: None

Aunts: Jewelgeam, Bluewisp, Swiftkill
Uncles: Glowstick, Arrowthrill
Cousins: Herondulcet, Redpetal, Snowdance, Sandwflower, Burningpaw, Heatherpaw,
Nephews: Gorsepaw, Rubypaw, Ra

Crush: Nobody
Parnter: Nobody yet
Offspring: None
Daughters: /
Sons: /

Lionpaw  Pmni0LL
Honest • Brave • Loyal • Adventurous • Curious • Ambitious • Responsible • Hard-working • Independent

Likes: Hunting, training, keeping busy all day long, working, serving the Clan, getting compliments, obtaining power, improving her skills, exploring, sunsets, flowers
Dislikes: Fighting, losing, liars, being lied to, getting advise, boredom, RiverClan, the river, water, snakes, climbing, small-talk

Lionpaw is an honest cat. She lives for her Clan and tries to improve herself everyday in order to become more worthy and powerful. However, this hunger to power and getting stronger has nothing to do with evilness or bad intentions. Lionpaw simply wants to prove herself. Never getting to know her parents made her independent but hesitent about who to trust. Becoming the best Warrior she can be makes her believe that others can never question her or her loyalty. It's a fake reassurment to herself.

Her hate for rivers and RiverClan never had a cause. After a while, she gets to learn that her grandfather Firestar was murdered on the riverside. After that, her father Zealspark who saw it all, hated and loathed RiverClan for as long as he lived. She believes she got the hate through her genes. However, since Lionpaw is an open-minded and curious cat, she is open to exploring new things and eventually putting aside these feelings for new ones.

Lionpaw  TFRNWrC
Ginger • Red-white • Golden eyes • Small of height • Broad posture • Half-long fur • Short paws • Long and thick tail • Small ears

Fur color: Red and white
Fur length: Half-long
Fur pattern: Tabby with white chest and paws

Eye color: Golden, amber-colored
Height: 15-20 cm (at the moment)
Body posture: Rather broad

Lionpaw is, obviously, on the smaller side. She has short paws and a small face. Her body posture, on the other side, is broad. This is thanks to her hard training. It gives her a more mature and stronger look. Her tail is long and thick, with on the end a white dot. These white markings can be found on her chest, face and paws. Her ears have a smaller size. She has golden or amber-colored eyes. It is said that she got the markings and color from her father and her eyes and size from her mother.

Lionpaw  XWotMF7
>>Lionkit<< 0 - 6 moons

Lionkit was born in a liter of two. She and her brother Polarkit lost their parents immediately after they were born. Zealspark got killed by a fox while protecting Briarlight, as she was giving birth. Zealspark never knew of her pregnancy, as they were no partners. It was only a fling, but Zealspark was responible enough and gave his life trying to protect his offspring. They were found by Firedance and Eveningglow, who brought them to the camp. Zealsparks' sister Jewelgeam adopted them.

Lionkit always has been a cheeky and happy, little kitten. She liked to explore, often bringing her denmates in trouble or even danger. She found it funny to intrude Thornstar's den and together with Moonkit they fantasized about being leader and medicine cat. Around that time, Lionkit gained interest in the deputy. She realized she wanted to become a strong warrior, learning that her late-father had been deputy. The red-white kitten dreamt of becoming like her father, gaining power and becoming the leader of ThunderClan. Soon after, she asked the current deputy, Eveningglow, to become her mentor when she would be old enough. Eveningglow said she would think about it, making Lionkit happy and hopeful. The only way to become the best, was by being trained by the best!

>> Apprentice << 6 - Current

It was time for the Ceremony. Lionkit had waited for this day to arrive, and especially for this moment! She believed that her time to leave the nursery had long passed. Her hopes and prayers got asnwered when Eveningglow got named as her mentor. She obtained the name Lionpaw, making her an official apprentice! They started her training immediately. Lionpaw didn't mind, trying to show her curiosity and proving herself to the deputy that she was worth the effort. She could choose the first place she wanted to visit, making the Thunderpath her first trip outside the camp.

Lionpaw always gave her best during her trainings. When the Gathering came around the corner, she was given the approvement to join their Clan in the trip to the Fourtrees. Here she met Pepperpaw. However, as she joined the conversation of Pepperpaw and Nettlepaw, she quickly noticed that her Clanmate Nettepaw didn't excactly appreciate her presence. This was confirmed in later encounters between the two. During the Gathering, an ominous prophecy was shared. But Lionpaw was not at the age to think about these things and when they returned to their camps, she didn't think twice about it. During a certain training, as they were practicing her fighting skills, an odd-looking animal appeared. Lionpaw did not know this animal was a skunk, and before waiting for an explaination of her mentor, she attacked the animal. Ofcourse, she got sprained by an afwul smell and her training got cancelled, getting the order to go wash herself at the river...

>> 9 moons

When Lionpaw became 9 moons, her mentor got sick. She became scared that she would not become strong and skillful enough by the time she got 12 moons and decided to train herself. This has its ups and downs. During this time she met Sunpaw and the Snakerocks. She got scared as she didn't hear the other apprentice approaching and thought she could've been a snake. A couple mintues later, a real snaked appeared and almost bit Lionpaw as she hurried herself up a tree. This explains her fear and hate for snakes.
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