{Kittensearch} No good in goodbye

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
Warrior Cats is een rollenspel gebaseerd op de serie 'Warriors' van Erin Hunter. Je verkent hier al schrijvend de geliefde wereld van de Clankatten, rogues en kittypets. Dit doe je door je eigen karakter aan te maken, waarbij je bijna alles zelf mag bepalen over uiterlijk en karakter. Wild of tam, goed of slecht, sociaal of eenling? Help jij oorlogen te voorkomen? Of ben je een van de katten die hongerig opzoek is naar een groter territorium en meer macht? Het kan allemaal op Warrior Cats.
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 {Kittensearch} No good in goodbye

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{Kittensearch} No good in goodbye DPKsfdL

Age: 40 Moons
Gender: She-cat ♀
BerichtOnderwerp: {Kittensearch} No good in goodbye   {Kittensearch} No good in goodbye Icon_minitimevr 19 dec 2014 - 21:55

All the things that we've lost
Breaking up comes at a cost
I know I'll miss this mistake
Every word I try to choose
Either way I'm gonna lose
Can't take the ache from heartbreak
If I could turn back time then I would re-write those lines

{Kittensearch} No good in goodbye Riversong3av_zps3681b84d X {Kittensearch} No good in goodbye 30lhxep

Jeah, jullie lezen het goed. Voor de tweede en ook meteen laatste keer zal er een nestje tussen Riversong en Bravesoul komen. Dit natuurlijk door het plotselinge overlijden van Bravesoul, en dit is dus nog je enige kans om een kitten van dit koppel te kunnen bespelen. River en Brave hadden voor zijn dood nog een afspraak gemaakt, ze zouden nog een tweede nestje krijgen om het gezin van hun dromen te krijgen, maar het noodlot sloeg toe. Bravesoul overleed en liet een al zwangere Riversong achter.

In dit topic kunnen jullie je dus aanmelden voor dit geweldige koppel, die elkaar ooit weer terug zullen zien in StarClan <3
Hoeveel kittens er komen is nog onbekend, maar ze zullen in de winter geboren worden omdat dat qua realistisch gedachte tijd het meest logische uitkomt. De deadline wordt wel van tevoren bekendgemaakt.
Je bent redelijk vrij in het uiterlijk van je kitten, want alle onderstaande dingen kunnen namelijk (iets kan als het in het bloed van de familie zit, zoals de ouders en opa's 'nd oma's van deze twee katten)
De vacht: (voornamelijk langharig - Maine Coon - van Brave's kant, maar kortharig van River's kant)
Rood met tabby (Net zoals River) ||  Tabby (Like Brave & co) || Rood || Zwart met wit || Zwart || Wit || Birmaan
De oogkleur: Blauw, amberkleurig

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{Kittensearch} No good in goodbye DPKsfdL

Age: 2,5 Moons
BerichtOnderwerp: Re: {Kittensearch} No good in goodbye   {Kittensearch} No good in goodbye Icon_minitimeza 20 dec 2014 - 18:10

Name: Raykit||Raypaw||Raydance
Meaning Prefix: She is a little shining ray
Meaning Suffix:  She is really Gracefully in act and in her build
Age: Unborn
Gender: Female
Parents: Riversong x Bravesoul
Sexuality: Straight
Season born: Leafbare
Place born: Riverclan?
Love status: None

Current rank: Unborn (Kitten)
Former rank: None
Future rank: Kitten||Apprentice||Warrior||Queen?||Elder?||Deputy?||Leader?||Medicinecat apprentice?||Medicine cat?
Training topics:  None (for later)
Current mentor: None (for later)
Former mentor: None (for later)
Future mentor: None (for later)
Current apprentice: None (maybe for later)
Trained apprentice: None (maybe for later)
Future  apprentice: None (maybe for later)

Mother: Riversong
Father: Bravesoul
Siblings: Galekit, Ashkit, Narrowkit, Coyotekit and Smokykit, unknown..
Aunts/Uncles: Poppyfrost & Rookflight,Breakingdawn, Autumnleaf, Smokedust & Fluffpaw
Grandparents:Frostspirit & Rainleap, Smoketear & Lotusleaf

Leader: Dawnstar, I don't know you but respect you.
Deputy: Wolfgaze, I like you're name are you stern?
Medicine cat apprentice: Honeypaw, Are you different from other apprentices?
Medicine cat: Nightstream, Why don't you live in the warrior den?

Fur pattern: Tabby
Fur colors: Brown and reddish
Fur lenght: Long
Eye color: Greenish/Blueish
Build: Gracefully and little.
Raykit doesn’t look like a strong kitten. More like a graceful and little one. She is shorter than a normal kitten but will grow normally.  She will always stay a little cat  but that doesn’t mean that she isn’t strong. She hasn’t really have a special build. She is build graceful and that’t it.
She looks most like her father with her main coon build and has also a long pelt. She is also a tabby like him  but in lighter colors. She has greenish eyes but they will turn into another color when she is older. She is build perfectly for a Riverclan cat. Her long hair will keep her warm and her paws are perfect for fishing and swimming when she needs too, because of her streamlined build she will  be fine in most situations. Her eyes are large and she has a beautiful shaped head. Her ears are normal and her nose is little but good. The rest of her build is normal.
Kitten and Apprentice:
{Kittensearch} No good in goodbye L-Little-Maine-Coon-Kitten-picture.Click-the-picture-to-read-more
Warrior and Elder:
{Kittensearch} No good in goodbye Cat%20maine%20coon_0

As kit:
Likes: Being the shining sun, happy stuff, her family, her clan and friends
Dislikes: Rain, Thunder, Unhappy cats.
Raykit is really like the shining sun. Happy in most situations and always thinking positive. Even when there are really bad things happening around her. She loves happy things. Like kittens getting born and a happy family. She also loves to play with others around her. She loves seeing happy cats around her. She will be there for her family trough dick and thin. She won’t leae them behind that easily. She will always be the one where the others can count on. She also loves living in her clan and feels at home there. Making new friends is one of the things she will always do. Even if the cats are from another clan she is most of the time a sweet kitty.
Raykit dislikes the rain. It is wet and cold and it makes playing outside the nursery difficult. She is a little scared of thunder because of the hard sounds and that is another reason to dislike the rain. Also when there is rain there isn’t a sun. And the sun makes most cats happy. She also dislikes unhappy cats. She will try to sheer  them up even if they get angry on her because of trying it.

As apprentice:
Likes: Training, Being the shining sun, Happy stuff, her family, kittens, friends and clan
Dislikes: Irritating other apprentices who never listen to their mentors, Rain, Thunder and Lightning, Unhappy cats, Rogues, Bloodclan and Shadowclan
Raypaw loves to go out of the camp and getting trained by her mentor. She is still the happy and positive young cat she was since she is born. She keeps loving happy things like much prey and little kittens. She has a soft heart for them. They can’t do anything wrong in her eyes. She still is there for her family and won’t leave on of them behind if they are hurt or in emotional pain. She loves hanging out with the friends she made and will also stick to them if they need her. She is a hardworking apprentice for her clan and wants to be a loyal clancat to them.
Raypaw doesn’t like the apprentices who are always turning into trouble because of ignoring their mentors. She has respect for her mentor as long as he or she deserves it. She still hates the rain and thunder but now because of different reasons. She doesn’t like the rain because it makes hunting really difficult and she doesn’t like thunder because it still scares her a little and it comes together with lighting. She hates lighting because it is that bright and you have to watch out when you’re outside. It also makes the prey hide in their nests. She still wants everyone to be happy and can’t handle sad cats. She doens’t like Rogues, the Bloodclan and Shadowclan since she heard the stories and know that they are really fierce.

As warrior:
Likes: Family, Being a happy cat, Happy stuff, Kittens, her Clan, Friends, Apprentices
Dislikes: Bad feelings, Rogues, Bloodclan and Shadowclan, Rain, Thunder and Lightning
Raydance still loves her family and wants to start her own family soon. She is still the happy positive cat but gets more serious and sometimes a little depressed. Mostly because she now understands that a clanlife can be hard and she will see the reasons of pain because of her experience that will grow. She loves little kittens and will always keep calm and sweet around them even if she is in her bad mood. She serves her clan well and wants to train her own apprentice to show the clan that she is a worthfully warrior.
Raydance dislikes her bad feelings cause she doesn’t understand them in the beginning. She still doesn’t like the Rogues, Bloodclan and Shadowclan. She tries to act normal towards the other clans. Rain, Thunder and Lighting are still things she hates but she gets used to it. That is why leaffall isn’t her favorite season.

We will see if she get the role what will happen! It also can change her character a little bit!

Why me: I don't have a kitten in the Riverclan and I think it is nice to play one. I also like the names of your characters.
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{Kittensearch} No good in goodbye
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