The Blue-Fire Wolf (English Story)

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We're part of a story, part of a tale. We're all on this journey, no one is to stay. Where ever it's going. What is the way?
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 The Blue-Fire Wolf (English Story)

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The Blue-Fire Wolf (English Story) DPKsfdL

Age: 17 moons
BerichtOnderwerp: The Blue-Fire Wolf (English Story)   The Blue-Fire Wolf (English Story) Icon_minitimevr 2 aug 2013 - 2:41

(Eigenlijk wilde ik een soort short story maken, maar dit kwam eruit...)

She ran as fast and quiet as she could to the next tree where she could hide again. She didn't want to see anyone now... Actually, she never wanted to see anyone. Why? Because everyone treated her like dirt. No, worse, they treated her like she was some sort of demon. They punished her for things she didn't do. Things like too much rain, or no rain at all. "Amanda! Where are you! Get here for school!" The teacher cried out. She sighed and headed to school, her shoulders hanging low because she knew what was going to happen.
Once she got to her classroom, she walked to her seat and sat down, first checking it for nails. The first time she got here, everyone stared at her. Amanda had no idea why they did that, and she still had no idea why everyone treated her like this. "Today, we will learn about myths" the teacher said. "Which one, ma'am?" a student asked. "The Blue-Fire Wolf myth" she answered. Everyone started to stare at Amanda. Why are they staring at me again, she wondered. Does it have anything to do with this myth? Are they planning something? After some time wondering about it, she decided it wasn't important. "The Blue-Fire Wolf is known to be able to read thoughts. Well, when it has enough power and when it has discovered its powers. It is also able to use Thought Magic. Once again, only if it has enough power and discovered the powers. The first time it uses its powers will be when it is experiencing extreme emotions," the teacher told the class, shooting glances at Amanda sometimes while she was talking. "The Blue-Fire Wolf is able to set its hands on fire. That fire will be blue and won't hurt the skin but the magic inside. And if it gets really angry or upset, it can turn into the Wolf form. In that form, it will go berserk and is almost invincible," she continued. "Also, the Blue-Fire Wolf is a demon. This demon enters a body at birth and later, when the victim gets 14 years old, it can start to try to take over the control of the body. If it succeeds, it will rampage over the world, which is why we used to kill the body of the demon. But now, we changed our minds and decided to let it live and see how it's doing. And nothing has happened so far..." "Ma'am, how old is it now?" a curious student asked, shooting a glance to Amanda. "It should be 14 now," the teacher answered. I'm 14... Amanda thought. Am I a monster? Then she heard the bell ringing. "Your homework will be... Hm... Learn about the past of the Blue-Fire Wolf," the teacher told the leaving students.
Amanda ran as fast as she could to her favorite class. Weapon class.
"Yo kiddos," the teacher said, sharpening his dagger while the students came in. "Today, I'm gonna teach ya all 'bout my favorite weapon! Isn't that great? Yes it is! It's called, the..." he built up some tension, or at least, he thought he did. "Kunai!" "The kunai? That little knife thing?" an annoyed student mumbled. Then that student cried out in fear when a flying kunai missed his head with a centimeter. "As you can see, you can use it to make annoying students shut the fuck up! In other words, you can throw them. Does anyone else dare to open their mouth to see what else you can do with it?" he looked around, looking everyone deep in the eyes and daring them to say something. "I didn't think so. You guys are lucky now, 'cause the next thing you can do with it is close combat," he said, throwing the kunai in the air and catching it some times. "Now, we're gonna practice on those thingies." He said, pointing at some practice targets. "Remember, go for the vital organs and the neck. As long as you do that and block the enemy's attacks, you're good. Tomorrow we're gonna practice at each other, so make sure you buy a kunai and have your practice clothes ready." He looked around to see if everyone listened to him and sighed, walking to a sleeping student. "You guys practice now. I'll handle this..." He said and everyone grabbed a wooden kunai from a table. These wooden kunais were special ones; they were made of very heavy wood so it would be exactly as heavy as a real kunai. Amanda walked to an empty practice target and began practicing...
After some long hours, the teacher walked up to her. "Er... The lesson is over, ya know. It's lunch time now," he said. "I know... I just want to be as good at this as you are..." She answered. "Hm... I see... How 'bout a match then? The one who can throw his or her kunais the best on the target wins, okay?" the teacher offered. "Hm... Okay..." She answered, grabbing three kunais. The teacher threw his kunais on the target, all of them were near, but not in, the middle of the target. "Your turn," he said. She threw one near the middle, then another one a bit closer to the middle. And the last one... She threw it exactly in the middle. "Whoa, you got talent in this, or luck... Probably talent, though. I'm looking forward to tomorrow, in seeing you fight with kunais..." the teacher said, smiling at her. "Thanks..." Amanda said, walking to her bag to eat something.
After a long day at school, she decided to go to one of her hidden huts in the woods. Once she got there, she let out a long sigh. She put off her shoes and jumped in her bed. This was her favorite hut; it had a bed and was close to a stream. She was glad she already had a kunai and had finished her homework in the classes. All she wanted to do now was sleep...
The sunlight woke her up. She yawned as she got up from her bed. Today was her chance to show everyone she had talent. She was going to beat all her students up in weapon class. She grabbed her kunai and ran outside to a tree and started to practice.
After some hours of practice, she remembered school. She looked where the sun was and saw she had three minutes before it began. Amanda took a deep breath and ran all the way to school.
Out of breath, she walked in the classroom.
"The Blue-Fire Wolf's gender is the same as the body it is in. Also, it is known to have blue eyes, it has never happened that the body's eyes were anything but blue. Once, in an era before today's era, the Blue-Fire Wolf got all the control over a body. It was a disaster for humanity. However, we managed to kill it. We lost a lot of our best ninjas in that fight. Our leader sacrificed himself to save us all, and whatever he did worked. Now, tomorrow we are going to study about our neighbor country, Tatsoka. So, get some basic facts about it as homework," she said, dismissing the class.
Finally, after the boring language lessons, it was time for weapon class. "Mkay, do ya all have your kunais 'n stuff? Good. Now, who are the first in our list... Simon vs Kim!" the teacher said, then telling them the rules. After some boring duals like these, the teacher said something she liked to hear. "Amanda vs Mike!" Amanda grinned; she hated Mike even more than anyone else. "Remember, you don't attack the belly, neck or head, kay?" the teacher asked. "Only the arms and the legs and placed with armor. Now, let's begin." the teacher said, smiling when he saw Amanda's determination in her eyes. "Start!"
Amanda stared at Mike, daring him to make the first move. And, as stupid as he was, he made the first move. It was easy to counter-attack and she floored him. Then she kicked his kunai out of his hand and made sure he couldn't move. Great... Now my fight is boring too... She thought.
"Winner is Amanda..."
After some other boring duals, it was her turn again. "Jay vs Amanda!" This was going to be fun, Jay was pretty good with weapons. "Start!"
She tried to make sure he was going to make the first move, but Jay was clever enough to know when not to attack. She looked at his feet to see if he stood unstable, and he did stand unstable. That was it for Jay. She pretended to attack his left arm but then attacked his unguarded right leg, giving it an extra kick to make him fall. She took care of his weapon too and pinned him down. "Amanda wins." the teacher finished the dual.
Then, after winning some duals, it was time for the final dual. "Amanda vs Cody!" Cody was the main-bully in school, always in trouble. "Start!"
Amanda looked at him. This was going to be a tough one. Cody was strong and had experience in life or death fights. Cody threw a stone at her. She blocked it with her kunai. That son of a... Her eyes started to glow a bit. Cody saw the hate and the anger in her eyes. She ran to Cody and kicked him. Cody blocked, making his left arm unguarded. Amanda slashed her kunai in his arm. Cody cried out in pain. "This dual is over! Amanda wins, kind of..." The teacher grabbed bandage and started treating Cody's wound. "Next time we're going to fight with katanas." "Again? Can't we fight with the bow for once?" a student asked. "Fine... Next lesson is bow day! Don't forget to bring your bow with you!" the teacher dismissed the class.
She had done it, she impressed the class. She smiled, eating her sandwich. "Hey! I heard you won from Cody and Jay, is it true?" A boy asked. "Yes..." Amanda answered. "Whoa, then you have talent with weapons!" "Thanks..." "Anyway, my name is Jake, and you're Amanda, right?" "Yes... That's right..." "Can you teach me how you do it?" "Er... I don't know... I think so..." Why was she being so shy! Ugh... "Thanks! Can we meet somewhere sometime?" "Yes, I have a hut... In the woods... Do you... Do you know the stream? Near the burned trees, I mean..." "Hm... Yes, I know that stream. Can we meet there?" he asked. She nodded in respond. "Tomorrow is Saturday, which means, no school. Can we meet there when the sun is at its highest point?" "Okay..." she answered, waving him goodbye when the lessons began again. Magical talents this time... It was only for people who are able to use Thought Magic, which means people who can use magic just by thinking of it doing something. The only problem is, it consumes a lot of power. And it takes a long time restore it. That's why they only have it one time in a week.
After her last lesson she ran to the forest. She was going to swim today. She put off her jacket and her shoes and jumped in the water. She was surprised by the coldness of the water, much colder than she thought. But she needed this, she fell in a mud pool on her way to the last class, rune class. She also wanted to test her new magical fishing idea. She thought of a fish swimming into her hand. It didn't work, but the idea was good... She shrugged and started to clean herself. She nearly got a heart attack when she saw Jake watching her, slightly amused. She swam to him and out of the water. "What were you doing in the water...?" he asked. "Swimming... I fell in a mud pool..." she told him. "You idiot..." he said, failing to hold in a laugh. She smiled. "Are you laughing at me...?" she asked him, looking as innocent as she could, what didn't work out well because she was holding in a laugh. "No, of course not! Now, stop looking like that! It makes me feel like I just kicked a puppy..." "A puppy? Am I a puppy to you?" she asked him, laughing. "No! You just looked..." he said, mumbling the last word that quiet she didn't hear it. "Looked what?" "Er... Cute... You looked kind of cute..." "And I'm not cute now?" I asked him, faking an angry tone and slightly amused by his awkwardness. "Of course you're still cute, ma'am. I wouldn't dare to not call you cute." he said, grinning. She smiled, amused by his choice of words. "I'm hungry, are you hungry?" he asked. "Actually, I am kinda hungry..." she answered. She looked around for the nearest hut with some food. Jake gave her some bread. "Have this, I always gave too much food with me." he said. "Thanks..." She said, starting to eat the bread. Jake looked at the sun. "I have to go now... My parents will probably be worried as hell by now. But, it was fun here. See you tomorrow." he said, walking to the direction of his house. "Bye!" Amanda called out after him. Then she put her shoes and jacket on again and walked to her favorite hut.
The smell of smoke awoke her. She coughed and realized that the hut was on fire. She looked around, panic in gaze as she saw fire in front of the door and the window. "Help me!" she yelled as hard as she could, grabbing everything she could. She kicked the door open, burning a bit of her leg. Then she jumped out of her hut, running to the water. She put out the fire on her clothes and sighed. Just what she needed... Then she saw someone moving in the shadows. It was Cody, and he had a torch in his hand. "You! You did this, didn't you?!" She yelled at him. "Yes, too bad you didn't die...
Never, ever hurt me!" Cody said while he walked away, thinking he was done. No, you're not getting away with this! She grabbed her kunai; she always carried that knife around just for if bad things would happen. She charged into Cody and cut his belly, trying to stick it deep in him. "Amanda!" she heard a familiar voice yelling. "Jake?" "Amanda! Don't kill him!" he yelled. "But Jake! He nearly killed me!" "But he didn't succeed, right?" he said and she sighed, letting Cody go. "You will regret this, bitch!" he said before he ran away. "I'll kill him..." "No you won't. Do you want to be like him?" "No... I'm sorry..." "Now, let me take a look to your wounds..." she put off her pants, revealing some wounds. His hands started to glow a little and he started healing her wounds. After awhile, he was done healing her legs. "You can put your pants on again... Can you please put your shirt off now?" she did what he asked and he started to heal the wounds on her back and belly. "I'm done now." he said. "Thanks..." she mumbled, nearly in a whispering voice.”I smelled smoke when I was walking on my way home from my girlfriend's house and saw it coming from the woods... Then I got worried." he said, and Amanda got a little bit sad when she heard he had a girlfriend. "Okay, you can go now, I'll be fine." she told him, waving goodbye. "Bye," he said when he left. She watched him leave, her blue eyes filled with tears as she realized she would never be more than friends. Then a part of her got mad and she ran to a burned tree. She punched the tree with all the anger she had. The tree looked like it exploded, wood was flying everywhere. She wasn't done yet, she smashed her fists at a big boulder. The boulder really did explode. Amanda ran to a different home, panting because of all the power she just wasted. She lay down on the bed and used a forced sleep spell.
She was sick... She had wasted way too much power at a time. Even after she had used Thought Magic a lot. I'll have to work on my stamina sometime, she thought. She sighed, remembering her promise with Jake. She had promised it, and she didn't want to break a promise. She looked at the sun. It was still early in the morning, she still had some time to recover. Maybe this was a good moment to try an alchemy recipe... Power Recovery was it called. She grabbed the ingredients and made the potion. She drank a bit of it and immediately realized she hadn't made it right. It tasted awful and it was supposed to taste a bit like honey. She sighed again, drinking some water. Maybe a walk would help her... She walked outside and decide she would go to the stream again. Then she changed her mind as she remembered what had happened there and walked to the opposite direction. She got the feeling someone was watching her when she had left the forest. The girl looked around and saw a boy in the bushes. "Come out, I can see you!" Amanda said to the boy in the bushes. But the boy didn't come out; he just sat there, holding his arm as if it was wounded... Maybe that was why he didn't come out. She walked to him. "Don't," the boy said. "Why isn't my plan working…" he mumbled.”Plan? What pla-" she couldn't finish her sentence because she fainted. Everything was black…
Amanda opened her eyes, but everything was still black. Then she realized she was blindfolded. "Let me go!" she yelled. "Hush, keep quiet," a boy's voice said. "Listen kid, if you don't let me go right now, I will personally make sure you can't do this again, understood?" she asked the boy, while her anger was growing every second. She tried to move her hands but they were tied together. "No, I can't let you go now, you don't understand. I'd love to let you go, but I can't," he said. "Liar…" she mumbled.”I warned you…" she said with a shaking voice by the anger. Something inside of her exploded and she felt power souring through her magical veins. First let's get rid of this annoying thing. She made the blindfold burn. Then she made the ropes burn. She saw the boy. I'll kill you, she thought. "Finally… was it that hard? Discovering your powers? I've helped you, you know…" the boy said, smiling warmly at her. All her anger disappeared when she saw that smile. Then she remembered something. "Where is the sun?" she asked him. "Nearly at its highest point," he answered. "Sorry, bye!" she said, running to the forest.
"You're late…" Jake said. "Sorry…" she mumbled.”Anyway, can we begin now?" "Sure, how good are you with throwing kunais?" "Pretty good, I just need practice in close combat," "I see…" she said, thinking of a way to teach him that.”Make sure the opponent can't make you fall, if you fall, you're dead," she said, remembering her fight with Jay. "Also, make sure you know your own weaknesses, so you can guard your weak area," she continued. "And look for weaknesses at your opponent. Cody didn't guard his left arm good enough, so that's why I won. Now, let's practice," she finished, walking to a tree with Jake. "Don't forget to aim for the neck," she said. "Don't worry, I won't,"
After a long day practicing with Jake, Jake became pretty good at close combat. "That's it for today, I think you're better than your classmates now," she told him. "Thanks," he said, waving his hand as goodbye as he walked away. She walked to her other favorite hut. This one was the closest to the library. She walked to her bookshelf and grabbed her newest book; it was about the Blue-Fire Wolf. After she heard about it in class, she got curious about it. Amanda lay down on her bed and began to read.
It was way very late, but she did finish her book. She yawned. Then she saw movement outside. Her heart was racing as she went outside to investigate. After some time looking around and jumping at every sound she heard, she saw it again. But this time she saw what made the movement. All she could see of the thing was a big hairy creature. What the hell is that, she thought. She fled in her hut, trying to sleep. Then she used the Forced Sleep spell.
Slowly she opened her eyes. Amanda had to buy a katana today. There was a good weapon shop nearby and she just got some money from the school. The school gave every student without parents money to buy school equipment. Amanda also had some sort of job. She made arrows for the weapon shop. It wasn’t an exciting job, but it made some money. Enough to buy better weapons than she could buy with just the school money. What also helped was she had once rescued the blacksmith, so he made a kunai for free. And it was a very good one. It was made out of Elven steel. Good weapons were mostly made out of Elven steel. And her kunai was a good weapon, so it made sense to her. He even gave her a very strong and long rope. But now she had to buy a katana. She walked to the weapon shop
When she got there, a man came to here. “Welcome Amanda, welcome in my shop. What can I do for you?” “Well, I need a katana for school.” “I see… How much can it cost you?” “Hm… I have a lot with me, but first I want to see the standard katana.” “Okay, come with me.” the shopkeeper said, walking to a rack with katanas. “These are the most common katanas chosen by students. But I know you, I know you won’t choose anything hanging here. So that’s why I made a list of everything you could buy. I have this katana here…” he said, walking to the other side of the shop. “This is a nice katana, pretty cheap and good quality. It’s made out of Elven steel and the blacksmith told me you love Elven steel. It’s made with the kobuse way, so it’s not just Elven steel. There’s some softer steel in it too.” “Hm… Can I try it?” “Sure, just don’t run off with it and be careful with it.” “Okay…” she said, grabbing the katana. “Hm…” she said, swinging the katana a bit. “No… It doesn’t feel right… But it’s not bad.” she told the shopkeeper. “I see… Then, we’re going to the next one…” he said, walking to the other side of the shop again. Then she saw a katana. “Wait…” she said, looking at the katana. “Er, that one is pretty expensive…” the shopkeeper said. “I don’t care.” “Okay… This is the shop’s pride. It’s a soshu kitae made katana. And, that’s not all. It has a very little bit of diamond at the cutting edge. The hard steel isn’t Elven steel but some sort of weird steel. The steel came from a meteor. It’s very rare and very hard. The medium-hard steel is Elven steel and the soft steel is Dwarven steel. It’s also able to hold five enchantments! That’s because of the Dwarven steel mixed with the Elven steel. It has also more tungsten in it. Which means, it’s just much stronger. Also, there’s a drip of gold in it. And it has been heated up to 1000 degrees and then very quickly cooled to minus 300 degrees. And that means, the steel has hardened a lot. It has been polished for four weeks. So, this katana is very expensive.” “How much?” “What? You’re going to buy it?” “Depends… How much?” “If you really want to know, it’s five million golden coins without the sheath and six million golden coins with the sheath. The sheath is of very high quality, too.” “I see… Let me see how much I got here. Do you accept platinum coins?” “Yes, for the expensive stuff. And this is expensive. One platinum coin is thousand golden coins. So, with the sheath it is… 60 platinum coins.” “Okay. I think I have enough.” “Really? That’s amazing for someone like you… How much did I pay you for the job?” “You pay me a gold coin per arrow.” “I see… Well, the arrows you make are high quality arrows, and you’re going to pay me back, kind of… So, I guess it’s a good payment.” “I do more than one job.” “I see…” “Anyway, can I pay now?” “Sure, let’s go to the cash desk.” he said, walking to the cash desk. Amanda walked to the cash desk too, counting her platinum coins. “And that is 60… Yes, I have enough.” she said, giving the shopkeeper the money and putting the katana in the sheath. “There you go… Have a nice day and come back soon!” the shopkeeper said as she left his shop. She then attached the sheath to her belt and walked to her hut.
Once she was there, she grabbed her enchantment scrolls and looked for the binding enchantment. That enchantment was going to make sure the katana wouldn’t easily be stolen. If a thief wanted to steal it, the katana would go to self-defense mode and fight at the same level as the wielder does. She really didn’t want the katana to be stolen. She still had some money left. She always liked to have some money left to do something or to buy something so she decided to spare a little more. With so much time left, she decided she’d help the blacksmith out and show him her new bought katana. But first she had to put the enchantment at her katana… “And I will name you… Blookshy! Blookshy, my blade, my life, I trust you to guard me and ensure my life in danger times, I promise I will take care of you, but I need you to defend yourself. S’ner. D’bal. H’tim. S’ough. L’mil. N’iss!” she said, finishing the enchantment spell. The scroll disappeared and her katana glowed for a moment and then got back to normal. Now she could go to the blacksmith. Maybe she could make some more money and buy an enchantment with it. She got out of her hut and walked to the blacksmith.
“Hey, Amanda! Good to see you! You came just in time, I need to deliver something but I’m working on a sword and the one I’m delivering this to is very inpatient… So, want to save my ass again?” “Sure Syther, I’ll help you. Where to?” “Do you know the fat, rich man with the scary eyes?” “Yes.” “Do you know where he lives?” “Yes, do I have to deliver it to him?” “No, his neighbor, the left one.” “Okay, I’m on my way. Wait, what do I have to deliver?” “This.” Syther said, pointing at an axe. “Okay.” she said, grabbing the axe and leaving.
She knocked on the door and saw a big man opening the door. “What do you wa- Oh, the axe. I’m sorry kid, I didn’t see the axe. Thanks, I really needed that thing.” “Don’t worry about it. Here’s your axe.” she said, giving him the axe. “Wait here please.” the man said, disappearing in his house for a moment. Then he came back with a golden coin. “Here, have this. I think you’ll need this. I know you a bit and I can see you just bought that katana…” “How did you know I just buy a katana?” she asked him curiously. “I’m Jay’s father. Jay was kind of mad at you for a moment… you had beaten him with close combat.” he said, looking slightly amused. “Oh, I see.” “Jay is now practicing. He’s practicing more since you beat him.” he said, now clearly amused. “Anyway, are you going to take this coin and leave or are you going to stand there all day? I think you have other things to do.” “Oh, yes. Thanks for the coin.” she said, grabbing the coin. “Don’t worry about it, I make enough money to give something away. And thanks for the sword.” “You’re welcome, bye!” she said when she ran back to the blacksmith again. “Hey, that katana you’re wearing…” “Yes? You mean Blookshy? What about her?” “I see, you’ve given her a name… Very good. Well, it’s a very powerful sword. It’s able to have five enchantments.” “Five? But the shopkeeper said four…” “Four? Hm… Knowing him, he doesn’t lie. And he knows everything about his weapons… Which means, someone has put an enchantment on it already. I wonder what that enchantment is… But you’ll probably find out soon. Anyway, want to help me out some more?” “Sure.” she said, thinking about his words.
After a day delivering weapons, the blacksmith was finally closing. “Thanks Amanda, you really helped me out. If you want, I can pay you… Or you can have a favor of me, if you want another weapon made, I’ll make it.” “Hm, I think I’d prefer the favor. I know how you make weapons. And the weapons you make are good.” she said, looking at the smile she caused. “Too bad, I’ll still pay you.” Syther said, grabbing a platinum coin and giving it to her. “Thanks Syther.” she said, taking the platinum coin. “You’re welcome, wait… No, thank you. Thanks for helping me out today. It was very busy today, I don’t know what I’d have done without you.” “You’d probably just ask a stranger to help you. And telling them the enchantment they have and what happens when the weapons are getting stolen.” “Probably…” Syther said. “It’s time for me to head back home… Bye Syther.” “Goodbye Amanda.”
She arrived in her hut, her legs aching from all the walking and running across the town. She changed to her sleeping outfit and started to sleep.
The sound of birds woke her. It was getting warmer every day. Amanda got up and changed back to her normal outfit, dark blue-black-ish pants and a shirt in the same color. Then she put on her belt with Blookshy, her kunai and some other weapons on it. She sat down and started to brush her dark blonde hair, it was too early to go to school now, so she decided to brush her hair. She had a hairbrush, but she didn’t use it that much. Only when she was bored or when she felt like it. She used to do it every day, but then she forgot it once, then twice, and then she didn’t feel like brushing her hair anymore. Then, when she was finished, she got a cloth and cleaned her kunai. Finally it was time to go to school, so she got up and left her hut. She started heading to school. Her first class was Spelling Spells.
After some boring lessons, there followed an interesting class. It was Martial Arts. We were going to have duals and we had to chose our own opponent. Jay raced towards Amanda. “Let’s have a rematch.” he offered. “Okay, why not.” She answered. “Just let me stretch first…” she said when she began to stretch a bit. “Are you done yet?” “Do you want to fight me that bad?” “No, I just don’t want to stand here all day.” “Fine… I’m done now.” Amanda said, finishing her stretching. “Ready?” “I always am.” Jay answered as he got in a defensive posture. Hm, so I’ll have to attack first… I see, his legs are a bit too open. I should be able to kick one leg and then attack his shoulder… Hm, yes, I’ll do that. She came a bit closer. Still not close enough… I have to distract him from my feet. Then she got an idea. She kicked to his head and as she expected, Jay counter attacked it, looking at her other hand. Amanda kicked his foot as hard as she could and saw Jay guarding his lower body. That was her chance. She punched his shoulder and pulled him toward her. Oh, no, this is bad… Jay floored her with his feet as she pulled him closer. As result, they both fell on the floor, Jay laying on her. Amanda tried to wriggle free, but it was no use. She sighed as she realized Jay had pinned her down. He looked in her eyes as he was laying on her. “Er… Can you get off me please? It’s a bit uncomfortable with a boy laying on me…” she mumbled. “Sorry…” Jay said, getting off her and offering her his hand to get up. She accepted it and let him help her get up. “Thanks.” “You’re welcome, you’re pretty good at this, as I expected.” “Yeah? But you’re better…” “Hey, that’s because I practice every day.” he told her. Then the bell rang. “Well, see you later.” Jay said and she waved him goodbye. The teacher walked toward her. “What you could have done was stepping aside and letting his own moves take him down…” she said. “I know, I just didn’t expect him to do that.” Amanda told her teacher. “I see… Well, maybe you need some practice at this.” the female teacher said. “Yeah… bye…” she said, walking to her next class.
“As ya all know, we’re gonna fight with katanas. My second favorite close combat weapon.” the teacher said. “Do ya all have katanas? Good… Hey, where’s your katana?” he said when he saw a student didn’t have a katana. “Go get ‘em! I can’t teach ya without a weapon, eh? Anyway, a katana is a bit like a sword, but it’s lighter and faster. Do ya all remember sword training? Yes? Good… Now, practice on the targets, tomorrow are the duals.” the teacher said, pointing at the targets. All the students walked to the targets and started practicing. “Hey Jay, yo, your slashes are too… You know… Too wide. You have to keep them shorter, so the enemy doesn’t have hours to see the attack coming and blocking ‘em, ya see?” “Okay, I understand. I’ll keep my blows short.” “Good. Hey! That katana isn’t a war axe! That’s not how you handle a katana!” the teacher said, going after a reckless student. Meanwhile, Amanda was practicing on a target. Then she decided to experiment with magic a bit. I wonder what happens when I put fire-elemented magic in my katana… She tried, and her katana got on fire. She didn’t like the color, so she made it blue. Much better… “Hey, Amanda, what are you doing?” the teacher asked her when he saw smoke. “Just experimenting a bit…” “You’re a genius, you know that? If you do this just by experimenting, you’re a genius with an amazing katana.” “Blookshy, that’s her name.” “I see… You’re even better than I expected.” “Thanks…” “Go practice some more, without fire please.” “Okay.” and she continued practicing, this time without fire. Then she got a bit bored and she got another idea. She grabbed her kunai with her left hand and started to practice dual wielding. “Mister! Is that allowed?” a student asked when he saw her dual wielding. “Why the fuck not? Seriously dude, why wouldn’t it be?” the teacher asked the student and the student shrugged, focusing on practicing again.
“Today we’re going to focus on elemental magic. It may look like Thought Magic, but don’t worry, it isn’t. We’re going to use runes. Does anyone know when we use runes? Seriously, nobody? Well, ninjas use them to protect things and places and rangers use them to set traps for animals and poachers. And necromancers use them to summon demons and other creatures. Now, we’ll start with the iiz rune, it’s an ice rune. And it’s a very simple rune. It’s just a line, nothing else, a straight line. But to make it work, you have to power it with magic. You do that by casting Novana at it. Novana is one of the few spells that will only give a bit magical power at the target and will do nothing else. But I think you already know that. Now, you need a Rune-Maker to make runes. They look like this.” she said, showing the students an odd, dark red stick. “Now, I want you to get your rune book and your Rune-Maker and practice a bit with the iiz rune.” she finished. Amanda hated runes, why would she use them? She preferred Thought Magic and normal combat things to use in a fight. She sighed and began to make the rune. “Novana… Just work, damn you.” Amanda mumbled, activating the rune. Then she started to spell her name with runes. She used the aza rune for the a, the mannaz rune for the m, the nauths rune for the n and the daz rune for the d. Then she activated them all. Still bored to death, she decided to read about the runes.
It was lunch time now, but everyone was crowding someplace else. Not in their usual places. Amanda got curious and decided to take a look. “So, you’re the new guy?” “Where did you come from?” “What’s your name?” “What are you good at?” the students asked. “Whoa, one at a time please! Take it easy, I’m just a new student here, that’s all!” the unlucky new student said. “Silence please! My name is Rolf, I came from the big city, the one in Doketa. You know, the city close to Mount Dodo and the river Doratu. Er… What was its name again…” “You mean Danolia?” “Yes, that city.” “Why did you come here? Isn’t it very hard to get a good living place in Danolia?” “Well, that was a reason. I had a very small house, very small. And I didn’t like the school there, it was too easy there.” “Oh, so you’re strong.” “Or they are all weak.” “You’re so clever!” a girl said giggling. He isn’t worth my attention… she walked away, noticing another new guy. But this one was… Scary. She narrowed her eyes as she saw his red eyes. He smiled at her. Not a normal smile, a promise of death hidden in a grin. She shivered and walked away. “Hey! Amanda! Have you seen the new guys?” Jake asked as he ran towards her. “Yes…” “Well, I don’t trust them… One of them is just… Scary. And the other one, well, that one explains himself very well. But I gotta say, he has a nice look. And, well, the other girls think so, too.” “Hmpf, he isn’t that handsome…” she mumbled annoyed. Maybe he’s using some sort of trick to make everyone think so… “Do you hate him already?” “No, of course not. I don’t even know him.” “Because I do.” “Why?” she asked curiously. “Well, it’s an instinct telling me not to trust him. Oh, and have you noticed that hating stare he shared with the other new guy? I bet they have some history together.” “Yeah… Well, lessons are about to start so, see you later.” she said, finally finding an excuse to get away from him. “Bye.” Jake said before he walked to his class. Hm, what class do I have now… I think it was Body-Language Reading class… She sighed and walked to the small building it was in. “Hey! Wait! You look like you’re going to the same class. Do you have Body-Language Reading class now?” Rolf asked Amanda. “Yes…” “Can I walk with you, please? I have no idea in what room it is… Hehe…” Rolf said. “I see. Well, I don’t see why you can’t walk with me…” “Thanks a lot…” the boy said. Now he was close and without students surrounding him, she could finally take a good look at him. He wasn’t very tall or small, he was about the average height and he had black hair, not long or short, just between. His eyes were light blue, like the blue of the sky without any clouds. She could imagine why all the girls were that friendly with him. “Well, we’ve arrived, this is where BLR class will be.” “Okay, thanks for showing me.” “Yeah, you’re welcome…” she mumbled, a bit annoyed by his… everything.
“…and that is how you know when someone is lying to you.” the teacher finished his lesson, even though there were just two or three students who understood it. One of those students was Amanda, she had been lied to too many times. Next class was necromancy… The teacher had promised they’d summon familiars this time. She wondered what her familiar would be. “Hey Rolf, we’re going to summon familiars in necromancy. Do you know your familiar?” she asked him. “What? Familiars? Oh. Er… Well, yes I do, actually.” Rolf answered. “Oh? What’s your familiar?” “Well… Hm, you’ll see soon. Let me just tell you this, it’s not a wolf.” “Okay… Do you need help getting to necromancy? Or are you going to use your legion of girls?” “Er… I think I’d prefer a girl who isn’t trying to get a boy she doesn’t even know that well. So, I’ll walk with you, if that’s okay with you.” “Sure, otherwise I’d just have walked alone.” “Well then, let’s go.”
When they arrived, they were in a friendly argument about what weapon is stronger, the sword or the kunai. “But the sword is bigger so you can hit your enemy harder.” “Yes, but a katana is lighter and you can hit your enemy more. I’d prefer one big wound on my arm than my whole arm cut in shreds.” “Hm, but a sword is thicker, and can break with enough strength a katana.” “No, a katana is made of strong steel. My katana, for example, is the strongest katana in the town.” “Well, my sword is the legendary Mira sword, the same sword Kzazrier used to fight Raijin the Lightning Demon. And he won.” “This katana may not have a history, but Blookshy will get her history from me! I’ll be the one who beats the wielder of Mira.” “Are you sure about that?” “Of course I am, I promise.” “Then, I will promise I will beat you and Blookshy with Mira.” “Hey! You two! Get in the classroom immediately!” “Yes mister…” they both said at the same time.
“To summon your familiar, you need quite a lot of power. You can do that by a spell or by Thought Magic. The spell is Patronus, but only non-thoughters are able to use the spell. I will show you, since I am a non-thoughter.” he said. He pointed at the floor in front of him. “Patronus!” he casted and a big snake appeared. “The snake is my familiar. Now, I will call you one by one to the front of the classroom to summon your familiar. Let’s start with… Jay! Pay attention!” “I did, sir!” “Proof it by summoning your familiar now!” “Yes sir!” Jay said and he walked to the front. I wonder what his familiar will be… Jay looked at the ground, not sure if he was a thoughter or a non-thoughter. Then he summoned a raccoon with Thought-Magic. So, a raccoon… I see… “Next is… Cody!” the teacher said. Jay walked back to his seat while Cody came up. “Patronus!” he said and he summoned a hyena. Then he walked back to his seat when the teacher called another student forward. After some students, it was finally her… “Now… Ama- Er, sorry. I mean Rolf!” …or not? Rolf got up and walked to the front. Then he casted Patronus on the floor. He summoned a fox. “Hm… That’s interesting… Next, Amanda!” So Amanda got up and stepped to the front. Then she made her familiar come. It was a wolf… A wolf on fire… A wolf on blue fire… How many more signs did she need? “Interesting… Next!” Amanda sat down again, her familiar following her and sitting next to her. ‘How are you doing?’ the wolf asked with thought messages. ‘Well, I just summoned you, so, it’s great to be able to do these things!’ ‘I see…’ ‘What’s your name?’ ‘Amanda.’ ‘But, that’s my name…’ ‘We are the same, you see?’ ‘Oh, okay, I understand.’ ‘The teacher is overhearing us…’ ‘Yes, I am, having fun?’ ‘Sorry…’ “Now, I want you all to pay attention! To un-summon them, you just summon them again. It’ll have the opposite effect. Patronus!” he said, and the snake disappeared. “Hm, I think I’ll keep you here… You already have a comfortable place on my shoulder…” Jay mumbled. His raccoon happily nodded. Except Jay, every student un-summoned their familiar. “Hm… Amanda and Rolf, eh? Interesting…” the teacher mumbled.
Next class: Herbology. The classroom was next to necromancy for if something goes wrong in necromancy. That’s also the reason why it is so close to the staff room. “Poppy seeds, they can help if you are in pain. Did everyone remember that from last time? Good. Next one, thyme. Thyme is for people who are in shock. Got that? Good. It looks like this…” the teacher said, a bit distracted as usual. “Er, not like that, more like this, sorry. Oh, you know what, I’ll just show you how it looks like…” she said, giving up trying to draw it. She grabbed some sort of small leaf. “This is thyme. Here are some facts about it…” the teacher said, telling the class some boring facts about thyme. ‘Ugh, is Herbology always so boring?’ Rolf thought-messaging Amanda. ‘Yep, and she won’t notice if you don’t pay attention.’ ‘That’s good to know…’ ‘Don’t sleep, though. She will notice that.’ ‘I won’t, what made you think I would?’ Rolf managed to joke through thought messages. And then… A huge explosion. Smoke everywhere. Sounds of students screaming and coughing everywhere. Silence…

Then she realized what was happening. The school was under attack! She grabbed her back and ran outside. What the hell is happening here… Everyone was running, kind of at least… They were frozen. She saw Jay grabbing his kunai, looking very mad. Did she do this? Everyone was frozen, like time had stopped. Then she started to see the intruders. They all had black ninja costumes. “What the fuck?” “Now now, watch your tongue.” a voice said. “Who are you?” “Don’t you recognize my voice?” the voice asked. It was the voice of a man… “No, sorry. I don’t.” “Hm, maybe that is because you’ve never heard me talk. I’m Shamunto, the other new student.” “Oh, I see.” “Now, I’d like to ask you, why aren’t you frozen like everyone else?” Shamunto asked her. “No idea… Wait, you did this? Why?” “I have business that need total silence to be taken care of. Can I ask you a favor?” Shamunto asked, his eyes glowing. “Depends on what you want…” “That’s too bad, I want you to die. So, can you please die?” “What?!” she asked, surprised and a bit scared of his request. “I want you to die, so I don’t have to waste any power on you. So, die please.” Shamunto explained. “No way I’m going to die for a request…” “That’s too bad, now I have to make my hands messy with blood… Your blood.” Something wasn’t right about him… “What do you want from us?” she asked him. “Do you really think I’d be interested in you mortal fouls? There’s a war in heaven and hell. Now, die!” he demanded, summoning a two-hands sword with magic. “Fine, I’ll make you die, as you wish!” she answered, grabbing Blookshy. She looked at her opponent, but she couldn’t find a weak spot. Hm, he’s good… Then Shamunto attacked her. His intention was clear, he wanted her to block the attack so he could break her katana. She could give in and show him how strong her sword was, but she decided to keep that a secret until the right moment. So she dodged the attack and cut his now unguarded arm a time. “You’re better than I thought… This may even turn out to be fun!” Shamunto said with an evil grin on his face. Then he made his sword glow a bit with red light. Amanda grabbed her kunai and began to dual wield. “Hm… Interesting…” Shamunto mumbled. She attacked Shamunto everywhere she could, guarding his slow attacks with her katana. “Okay, I’ve had enough of this. I’ll finish you off.” Shamunto said. His sword went on fire, not normal fire, dark red fire. “I guess it’s time for me to do that trick too…” Amanda mumbled, letting her katana get on blue fire. Then she got an idea. She jumped away and pointed Blookshy at Shamunto. Then she made fire burst out of the katana. “Whoa, nice try. However…” Shamunto said, making a shield of fire. “Fire stops fire, did you know that?” Amanda didn’t answer, she just jumped as high as she could. Just a little bit more to the right… This is the spot! She let magic shoot out of her feet and launched herself to Shamunto, aiming her katana to his belly. It was a hit, and Shamunto yelled out in pain. “You! You will pay for that!” Shamunto yelled at her, trying to get free. But she didn’t let him go, not now. She used her kunai to block one of his attacks and then stabbed his chest with it. She hit his head with her fists, not letting him go. “Gah! You’ll pay for that! Now I am pissed!” Shamunto angrily said. His eyes started to glow with hate and power. He punched her in the face and she fell on her back. Then Shamunto pulled the katana and the kunai out of his body and threw them away. “You’re dead…” he said, walking to where she was laying. “No…” she panted. “I’m not… Finished… Yet…” she got up and looked at him. “Shamunto! Stop it! You wanted me, not her!” Rolf yelled at him. “What are you doing here!” Shamunto yelled back. Rolf jumped off the roof he was standing on and walked toward Shamunto. “You know what I’m doing here, I’m here to make sure you’re still sealed.” Rolf told him. “Well, I am. Otherwise this annoying human would’ve been dead by now.” Shamunto answered. “Sorry Sandmunto, but she’s under my protection. I won’t allow you to hurt her.” “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know she had a god looking after her.” Shamunto apologized, looking a bit scared for some reason. “It’s too late to apologize. I’m going to tell Artemis to keep an eye on you. But first, you need to be punished… Amanda, close your eyes please.” Rolf said. Amanda obeyed. She could hear an explosion and Shamunto’s scream. Then she could hear a healing spell. “Rennervate! Episky!” Rolf casted on Shamunto. “You can open them again.” Rolf said and Amanda opened her eyes. “How do you still have powers?” Shamunto asked Rolf. “Well, it’s a bit luck and a bit obvious. A God is stronger than a demon, that’s number one. Second, I was born in a body with a lot of stamina. Now, please unfreeze the time again.” “Okay…” Shamunto obeyed and whispered a very long spell. Then she remembered what was happening and she ran to the enemies.
It turned out to be some sort of practice thing. What we would do when there was an attack. Everyone did the right thing, even the ones who ran away. They were getting help. But Amanda’s body wasn’t used to use this much power. And her stamina wasn’t as great as Rolf’s stamina was, so she nearly fainted after the battle. That’s why she now had a day off. No school, no work, no nothing. Amanda was doing some homework when someone knocked on the door. “Come in…” Amanda tried to say as loud as she could. The visitor must have heard it, because the door opened. “Hey Amanda, how are you doing? Still recovering?” it was Rolf. “I used a bit too much power…” “Oh, I see… You should train your stamina.” Rolf said. “How do I do that?” Amanda asked him. “Hm… I’m not a teacher, you know. What I do know is the following… There is a ritual that makes you have your full stamina without any practice.” he answered. “Can you help me with that?” she asked him, looking at him with big, expecting eyes. “Sure. Hey, so unfair…” he answered immediately. “Unfair?” “Yes, you have those puppy eyes again. How on earth can I say no when you look at me with those puppy eyes?” Rolf muttered. Amanda couldn’t help but giggle a bit. “So, how do you do that?” she asked. “Well… Do you trust me?” he asked her. “Of course I do. You saved me back there when Shamunto got me.” “No I didn’t. If I wouldn’t have saved you, you’d just use one of your explosive spells and kill him. Actually, I saved Shamunto.” Rolf explained. “And you’re right. That’s exactly what I would have done.” she said, laughing. “See? You don’t need protection.” Rolf said with a smile on his face. “I’m sorry…” “For what?” “For this…” he mumbled. Then he hit her unconscious.
“Amanda? Amanda, can you hear me?” a voice asked, panic in his voice. “Huh… What… Who…” she managed to mumble. “Amanda? It’s me, Jake, remember? Come on, you’re going to be okay…” Jake told her. She tried to get up, but Jake pushed her down again. “Don’t get up yet.” “Uh… Okay…” she mumbled. Then she opened her eyes. She saw Syther the blacksmith pinning Rolf on the ground. “Come on! Let me go!” “No, you’re not going anywhere!” Syther told Rolf. “What happened…” she asked. “Well, we found you laying unconscious and Rolf with a knife cutting in your hand.” Jake said. She looked at her hand and saw bandage wrapped around it. “Let him go, please…” “We can’t do that.” Syther answered. “Syther, let him go.” she said, a threat hidden in her voice. Syther must have heard it because he got up and let Rolf go. “Now, can we go on with the ritual?” she asked Rolf. “Hm… If I can find that knife… Oh, here it is. Okay, all I need to do now is get you some female blood.” “Okay…” “You already have a bit of my blood in you. Sounds weird, right?” he asked her and she nodded. “I’ll be right back…” Rolf said and he walked away. “What ritual?” Jake asked. “A stamina ritual.” “Oh, that ritual. Well, good luck with it…” he said and he walked away. “Blookshy is dirty…” Syther said. “You should wash her…” “I know, I just didn’t have time to do that.” “I see…” and there was silence…
“I’m back! And look what I got. It’s Artemis’ blood! You can’t get any better blood than this. So, let’s continue.” Rolf said, getting the knife again. Then he walked to her and cut in her other hand. Then he poured the bottle with blood on the wound, making sure there would go as much blood as possible in the wound. Rolf began to whisper some words, weird words. And then there was an explosion, but there wasn’t an explosion too. It was an illusion… She felt pain everywhere. She tried to scream, but she couldn’t move or make a sound. Then she passed out.
“You idiot, you did it again!” a voice yelled. “I know! This is the tenth time you’re reminding me!” another voice yelled back. “Hey, did she just open her eyes?” a third voice said. “Yes, she did…” the second voice mumbled. Then Amanda started to recognize the voices. The first voice was Syther, the second voice was Rolf and the third voice was Jake. She got up, pushing the hands that wanted to stop her away. “I can stand, you know.” “Her recovering is amazingly high…” Rolf mumbled. “Jake, use your gaze to look in her.” He ordered Jake. “Okay…” Jake mumbled and his eyes changed. They changed from green eyes to glowing, neon green eyes. “Whoa… Er, Rolf…” “Yes? What do you see?” “Nothing! There’s blue fire all over her, I can’t see anything!” “Hm… I knew it… Amanda, you are the Blue-Fire Wolf.” Rolf said. “We know, the whole village does already know.” Jake said. “But I only suspected it…” she mumbled. “I’ll train you to control that power. Has it spoken to you?” “No…” she answered. “Hm, that will make it harder for us…” “Well, then I’ll just leave it to you two…” Jake said and he walked away. “Amanda, if you ever need something made, you know where to find me.” Syther said before he walked away. “We can’t do this on our own… Do you know anyone else you trust enough to let him or her help you?” “Yes, Jay.” “Then, let’s get him.”
“Of course I’ll help you, puppy eyes.” Jay said. “Just let me get my stuff first…” Jay said before he ran upstairs to get it. “Puppy eye…? Am I that cute?” “No, you’re not…” Rolf answered. She looked at him, faking a very sad and hurt look. “Okay! You’re cute! Stop looking like that! It feels like I just kicked a puppy! Seriously, stop!” Rolf said. She smiled. “So I am cute… Weird, I never thought myself as something positive.” “Okay, I got my stuff. Where are we going to train the puppy?” “Stop calling me a puppy, I’m not that cute…” “I thought near the stream would be a good place to train the pup.” Rolf answered, ignoring Amanda’s request to stop. “Then, let’s go!”
‘We’re being watched!’ Rolf thought-messaged Amanda and Jay. “Good job, Amanda! That’s how you perform that attack! Try to aim a little bit to the left and try to hit him harder. It’s just a replication, so he won’t feel pain.” Jay told Amanda. She put all her power in her fist and kicked again, harder and more accurate than before. The replication coughed blood and fell. It didn’t get up anymore. Jay made it disappear. “Aw… You killed me, kind of… Good job! But these replications won’t fight back, so… Rolf, can I use higher level replications?” “Fine by me…” “Alright then.” Jay summoned a replication. This one moved. Amanda tried to hit it like she did with the last replication, but it blocked the attack. She got annoyed by that and powered her fist with more power. Her fist was burning, blue fire of course. She hit the replication. The replication tried to block, but her attack went straight through its block and hit the replication. The replication fell down and didn’t move anymore. “Interesting… Shamunto, you can come out now.” Rolf said. Then Shamunto teleported in front of Rolf. “What do you want?” Rolf asked him. Shamunto pointed at Amanda. “Oh, that.” “No, I want to give you a warning… I’ve seen Lucius asking around for a girl who has powers of the blue flames…” “Hm, what does he want with her…” “What do you think?” “You’re right, I’ll keep an eye on him.” Rolf said. Shamunto gave a nod as goodbye and disappeared. “What was that about?” she asked Rolf. “Lucius is the deputy of the demons. He isn’t the second strongest, though. He’s just… How can I say this… He has connections and he is the son of Lucius. And, since The Devil is sealed now, Lucifer is the leader now.” “Aren’t Lucifer and The Devil the same?” “No, they are not. They’re just… Brothers and rivals. It’s complicated. You see, The Devil just wants heaven to fall and Lucifer is… More complicated. You can see Lucifer as someone who likes things how they are in war, and The Devil as someone who wants war to be won. Lucifer sides the weakest side, and he’s very powerful. At the moment the strongest demon.” “Oh, I see…” she said. “We’re still being watched…” she mumbled “What? That’s not possible! Shamunto was the watcher… Shit, you’re right.” Rolf said. “I sense them, there, on the mountain.” Jay mumbled after his raccoon found them. “I’m going to ask them who they are…” Amanda mumbled, starting to walk in the direction of the mountain. “We’re going to hide and see if you need help.” Rolf said, walking into the bushes with Jay behind him.
“Who are you and what do you want from us?” she asked when she reached the spot. “She fell for it! Do what you have to do! And you, keep your eye on those back up fools in the trap.” “Yes sir!” She looked at their leader. “Do you know who I am?” she asked them calmly. “No, but that doesn’t matter, since everyone is scared when they see us!” “I’ve no idea who you are… But I am Amanda.” “So you are Amanda? Lucius wants your soul. So, we’re going to get you and he’ll take your soul.” “I see… And what if you die?” “We wo- Grah!” she had thrown her kunai at his throat. She ran to his dead body and grabbed her kunai. “What happened?” “Boss died!” “What?! We’re coming!” “No, stay with the prisoners! If they esca- Gah!” another one down… They weren’t worth using her katana.
She ran to where she thought Rolf and Jay would be.
They weren’t there… But someone else was. “Hm, you’re a bit stronger than I thought. Surrender now and your friends won’t die.” “You surrender now and let my friends go or you’ll die.” Amanda threatened him. “Do you really want to threaten me? The deputy of the demons? The son of Lucifer? Are you sure?” “Yes, I don’t care who you are, you threatened to kill my friends, so now you’ll die!” she told him, her anger growing in her every second. “No, I won’t die. My father gave me some power to stop you. And believe me, it’s enough to kill Rolf with one finger. So I don’t think you’ll be a match for me.” “One finger, eh? Well, I can probably beat Rolf so… I will kill you!” she said, getting her kunai in her left hand and her katana in her right hand. “So, you think you can win from me because you got two weapons? Well, you’re wrong. I can beat you with one.” Lucius said, summoning a trident. “Impedimenta!” Lucius casted at her. “What the… What’s happening?!” “I made sure you can’t move. Now I can take your soul in peace…” Lucius answered. He filled his hand with black power and started to charge that power for even more power. “No! You won’t succeed!” Amanda yelled. She could feel the power in her body. It was more than she was used to. “Are you sure? By the way, your friends are next.” Lucius said. That’s it… Something inside of her exploded. She felt her legs move, even though her muscles didn’t work. She was using something else to move. Magical power. “I…” Amanda mumbled, gathering power in her legs to move. “Will.” she got up. “Kill.” She said, harder than the other words. She could feel her power souring through her body. “You!” She yelled before she turned into a huge wolf. The Blue-Fire Wolf form. She saw Lucius looking at her with fear in his eyes. Too late for you to say sorry. She growled and clawed Lucius a time. Then she teared his body apart. Blood was dripping on the ground. She turned back to her own form. “Whoa… What happened here?!” she could hear Jay’s voice. “Rolf! He’s here! And… Well… I think you’d like to see this…” “I’m coming!” Rolf yelled back before he arrived. “What… How… Did you…?” “Y… Yes…” Amanda said, panting from exhaustion. “Are you okay?” Jay asked. “I… Don’t know…” she answered, stumbling forward to Jay. “Take it easy… You’ve done enough…” Jay whispered in her ear. “Hm, I’m wondering how Lucifer will react to this…” Rolf mumbled. “Jay… He said… He said he’d… He’d go to… To you next… And I didn’t want…” Amanda managed to mumbled, some tears rolling down her cheeks. “Hey, calm down… It’s over… It’s all over now…” Jay whispered in her ear. “Jay… Thank you…” she mumbled before she collapsed in his arms. “We have to … her safety … might take revenge.” was everything she could hear Rolf say. “Okay, but what about … safer there … with my life.” Jay said. “Good point. Protect … will be dangerous … go now.” then she passed out completely.
“Amanda! Amanda wake up!” Jay was yelling at her. Slowly she opened her eyes. “What… wrong…?” she asked with a weak voice. “Shit, she’s too weak to run! Rolf! What now!” Jay yelled to Rolf, who was fighting some demons. “You take her on your back and run! I’ll make sure these guys won’t come after you!” Rolf yelled back, finishing off a demon. “Okay, good luck.” Rolf said. Then he grabbed Amanda and ran off. “Jay… What’s happening…” she weakly asked him. “The village is under attack by demons. We believe they are after you.” he answered. “I see…”
“Well well well… Is that our little trouble maker? Yes, it is!” a man in a business suit said. The only difference was, this man had a red skin, a tail, horns and a trident. And his eyes were red, like fire. No, they really were on fire. “Hand her over, and I’ll let you live. Good deal, eh?” “How about this, let her go, get me. Well?” “Why would I be interested in you? You’re nothing.” “Let’s see what nothing can do!” Jay set her down and grabbed two knifes. “You’re weak…” Lucifer said. He wove his hand and blew Jay away. “Now, let me just take what I want.” “No!” Jay yelled and he jumped on Lucifer, stabbing him with his knifes. Lucifer didn’t move. Just not at all. Then he disappeared. “Aw… You killed my clone. That’s not nice of you.” the real Lucifer said. He looked at Jay and made him freeze. “Don’t move, I’m not here for you, weakling.” he said an evil grin on his face. He walked to Amanda. “Please don’t…” she mumbled. “Too bad, you have something I want.” he said. Then his hand was getting filled with black power. He put his hand in her shadow and pulled her soul out. “That is mine.” he happily said. She gasped for air, even though she could breath. Then she stared blankly forward. “Amanda.” “Yes master…” “Slap Jay in his face.” “Yes master…” Amanda mumbled. Then she walked to Jay and slapped him in his face. “Good girl. Now, come with me.” “Yes master…” then they both disappeared. “Amanda… Amanda. Amanda! I will get you back! I swear I will!” Jay yelled.

(Geen zorgen, het is nog niet af... Ik ga het naar Jay switchen. Nu is het zijn taak haar te redden =P)

Hawkfire Kees
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The Blue-Fire Wolf (English Story)
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