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Sarah 18 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 21:35 | |
| Ergens heb ik zin om SAO nog eens te zien. :/ |
| | | Michelle 2469 Afwezig
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 21:37 | |
| - Wingpaw schreef:
- Mimeh moet morgen weer een raadsel maken =3
Oke, het moét niet, maar dat is zo leuk <3 miss maak ik r zo nog een ben bezig met sheets makenx3 I'm comming home I'm comming home tell the world I'm comming home |
| | | Esmee 544 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 21:37 | |
| - Dreamheart schreef:
- Wingpaw schreef:
- Mimeh moet morgen weer een raadsel maken =3
Oke, het moét niet, maar dat is zo leuk <3 miss maak ik r zo nog een ben bezig met sheets makenx3 Yay, ik wil ook eens een sheet van jou :3 |
| | | Miss Pettyfer 4632 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 21:39 | |
| | | ησηє σƒ уσυя вυѕιηєѕѕ ღ 18 Actief
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| | | | ϟ ˁᴸᴱᴱᴾᴵᴺᴳ ϟ 518 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 22:03 | |
Northernkit; Though life..
Proin egestas libero enim. Ut eros nisl, varius id varius in, malesuada ac justo. Quisque lectus arcu, imperdiet ac porttitor in, euismod in magna. Aenean at mi nec lectus egestas vulputate sit amet a enim. Cras cursus vehicula lacus, at varius nisl cursus at. Vestibulum consectetur consectetur fringilla. Etiam interdum risus et lacus suscipit semper. Nunc gravida velit nec diam cursus vel malesuada arcu pellentesque. Vestibulum tortor tellus, feugiat commodo mollis sed, fringilla ac leo. Proin et risus ac est cursus scelerisque eu a urna. Pellentesque aliquam, quam a sagittis molestie, nisi lorem gravida eros, sed rutrum risus est eu nisi. Nulla purus dolor, blandit quis egestas sed, feugiat at diam. In commodo risus eget turpis adipiscing venenatis. Aenean quam elit, faucibus eu porttitor vel, interdum ac enim. Nullam ac leo a ipsum consequat blandit ac nec erat. Suspendisse quam metus, tempor ac facilisis at, convallis ac est.
Proin ac urna velit. Maecenas malesuada condimentum vestibulum. Phasellus non metus eu sapien tincidunt sollicitudin non ac urna. Sed mattis adipiscing adipiscing. Mauris sodales imperdiet mattis. Ut aliquet lacinia mauris vitae rutrum. Phasellus tellus odio, dictum in pellentesque eget, scelerisque vel ipsum. Vestibulum tristique turpis mi, vitae venenatis orci. Nullam augue massa, scelerisque in sollicitudin quis, posuere sit amet diam. Donec at justo suscipit mauris pulvinar aliquam pellentesque non lorem.
Vestibulum semper felis quis lorem consequat auctor. Nunc nec eros lacus. Vivamus placerat elit eu erat eleifend bibendum. Donec id urna ipsum, a laoreet sem. Duis nunc leo, imperdiet sed aliquet eu, bibendum vel dui. Suspendisse elementum rutrum mauris ac lobortis. Morbi lobortis mi tempor purus bibendum pellentesque. Ut non dui at ante tincidunt egestas. Cras a odio vitae nisi pharetra bibendum. Duis vestibulum libero a arcu accumsan vestibulum non nec metus. Quisque interdum arcu sed erat luctus eget molestie turpis lobortis. Cras metus nulla, auctor at tristique sit amet, luctus ac arcu. Vivamus consectetur orci a lorem elementum luctus ac a ante.
Fusce sed arcu eu lorem lacinia vehicula. Suspendisse tincidunt, justo vel convallis gravida, erat tellus facilisis purus, vel suscipit nunc dolor vel turpis. Curabitur condimentum turpis a diam ornare id tempus diam pharetra. Suspendisse eros tortor, aliquam et suscipit quis, gravida eu nunc. Sed ac nisl lectus, eu tempus elit. Praesent nec purus eget quam sodales fermentum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Ut dignissim vestibulum ante, sed tincidunt justo porta id. Nunc euismod sem a nulla euismod necaliquet turpis posuere. Nullam consequat placerat eros, sit amet venenatis tellus tempus in. Vivamus placerat, leo vitae suscipit interdum, lorem massa dapibus urna, sit amet dapibus augue libero vitae tortor. Curabitur purus odio, varius et egestas sed, malesuada ut sapien. Nulla eget commodo velit. Cras mi sem, viverra eget cursus rutrum, vulputate in augue. Aenean urna velit, semper ac faucibus sit amet, accumsan ut lacus.
Sed aliquet, leo eu semper facilisis, augue sem bibendum nisi, ut euismod turpis neque adipiscing nibh. Praesent nunc lectus, tincidunt et tincidunt sit amet, iaculis ut lacus. Curabitur porta magna sit amet metus placerat aliquam ac sit amet nisi. Donec tincidunt viverra interdum. Vivamus condimentum elementum neque, a posuere nunc luctus ut. Duis rhoncus nisi eget dui cursus egestas. Nulla facilisi. Maecenas sagittis consectetur vehicula. Donec viverra vehicula suscipit. Aliquam tempus, massa quis mollis semper, velit nibh imperdiet lectus, a semper risus leo a elit. Nulla commodo posuere nisl quis condimentum. Duis in sem id nunc tincidunt dictum sit amet at libero.
Люби меня, как ваш худший кошмар - ::
| | | Bo 311 Actief
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| | | | ϟ ˁᴸᴱᴱᴾᴵᴺᴳ ϟ 518 Actief
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| | | | Michelle 2469 Afwezig
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 22:35 | |
| You know what I think? The mad woman murmured into the brisk evening air. Her body was rigid, skeleton jutting ever which way in contrast with her skin which was pulled unnaturally in those directions. Tendrils of obsidian tumbled with the light breeze, mats of tangled hair lifting from her gray skin. The air unsettled not only the female, but the nature which stood peacefully around her. The winds choked the branches, devoured leaves and molested the foliage, a tyrant of its own creation. The entity swirled and danced, invisible skeleton knocking to form a noise which ominously whistled, dampening the woman's voice ever so slightly as the impish sound escaped from her throat. You're mad, The woman mused to herself, the whiteness of her eyes being snuffed out by gray lashes. The breeze caressed her gently though. running lets bony fingers beneath her jaw line and running the length of her face before tumbling away. She felt its cold touch encroach upon her most private of places, slipping easily between her womanly legs and soothing itself against her ribcage. It carried with it not only the scent of summer, but the scent of something much more desirable. Something so faint but so unmistakable it forced the maiden's heart to thud and her stomach to claw at her throat. Her tendons pulled and her muscles displaced, stretching ever so slightly to allow the woman to impel her angular face into the wind. It spoke lightly, whispering of something foretold. Something which drove the woman to abandon familiarity and tenderly follow its every command. She was a slave to it, followed like a dog on an invisible leash to wherever it may lead her. The tar pit. The wench squinted, delicate wrinkles forming upon the bridge of her snout, but not out of distain but instead out a customary feeling. The black liquid smoldered in large bubbles, popping violently every now and then to form an assault of the bitch's eardrums. The woman drank in the putrid scent of the tar and found the source of desire, her moon-like eyes falling upon a figure in the tar. A deer, saturated in the liquid struggled feebly amongst the obsidian abyss. The thing did not make a sound, as the tar was much too far along in the process of devouring it. A sickening pleasure entered the female then, and she gently lay herself upon the edge of the pit. A macabre smirk placed itself upon her face as her paws cross ever ever so gently, comfortable as she watched this creature slowly meet its death.
| - Code:
<table width="600px" height="475px" align="center" style="background-image: url('http://i40.tinypic.com/5f1y04.png'); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-color=black"><tr><td valign="top"><div style="float: left; margin: 5px; padding: 5px; width: 270px; height: 400px; overflow: auto; font-family: Times; color: #000000; text-shadow:2px 2px 10px black; background-color: #1e1e1e; margin-top: px; margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 20px; margin-bottom: 0px; opacity:0.8; filter:alpha(opacity=20); border: 1px solid black;"><div align=justify> <font color=b6a236>You know what I think?</font> The mad woman murmured into the brisk evening air. Her body was rigid, skeleton jutting ever which way in contrast with her skin which was pulled unnaturally in those directions. Tendrils of obsidian tumbled with the light breeze, mats of tangled hair lifting from her gray skin. The air unsettled not only the female, but the nature which stood peacefully around her. The winds choked the branches, devoured leaves and molested the foliage, a tyrant of its own creation. The entity swirled and danced, invisible skeleton knocking to form a noise which ominously whistled, dampening the woman's voice ever so slightly as the impish sound escaped from her throat. <font color=b6a236>You're mad,</font> The woman mused to herself, the whiteness of her eyes being snuffed out by gray lashes. The breeze caressed her gently though. running lets bony fingers beneath her jaw line and running the length of her face before tumbling away. She felt its cold touch encroach upon her most private of places, slipping easily between her womanly legs and soothing itself against her ribcage. It carried with it not only the scent of summer, but the scent of something much more desirable. Something so faint but so unmistakable it forced the maiden's heart to thud and her stomach to claw at her throat. Her tendons pulled and her muscles displaced, stretching ever so slightly to allow the woman to impel her angular face into the wind. It spoke lightly, whispering of something foretold. Something which drove the woman to abandon familiarity and tenderly follow its every command. She was a slave to it, followed like a dog on an invisible leash to wherever it may lead her. The tar pit. The wench squinted, delicate wrinkles forming upon the bridge of her snout, but not out of distain but instead out a customary feeling. The black liquid smoldered in large bubbles, popping violently every now and then to form an assault of the bitch's eardrums. The woman drank in the putrid scent of the tar and found the source of desire, her moon-like eyes falling upon a figure in the tar. A deer, saturated in the liquid struggled feebly amongst the obsidian abyss. The thing did not make a sound, as the tar was much too far along in the process of devouring it. A sickening pleasure entered the female then, and she gently lay herself upon the edge of the pit. A macabre smirk placed itself upon her face as her paws cross ever ever so gently, comfortable as she watched this creature slowly meet its death.
<font color=b6a236>spoken</font> </div></td></tr></table> I'm comming home I'm comming home tell the world I'm comming home |
| | | Miss Dreyar 577 Afwezig
| CAT'S PROFILEAge: Take a guess, I dare to bet you are wrong...Gender: Rank: |
| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 22:40 | |
| You know what I think?GHEE-HEE spoken
| | | Aurora Borealis 987 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 22:54 | |
| michelle kan geen moeilijke raadsels maken tessa kijkt eventjes naar de tekst *naam* michelle lacht WTFFFFF |
| | | Linn <3 2602 Actief And in the middle of this chaos
there was you
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 22:56 | |
| Dat raadsel is ook totaal niet moeilijk te raden hoor (':
| | | Michelle 2469 Afwezig
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 23:06 | |
| hehe ik ben moe -.-
I'm comming home I'm comming home tell the world I'm comming home |
| | | Linn <3 2602 Actief And in the middle of this chaos
there was you
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 23:09 | |
| - Dreamheart schreef:
- hehe ik ben moe
Maar aan de andere kant moet het ook wel te raden zijn, niet? :3 |
| | | ワゾウラ 141 Actief "I prefer to have my nightmares with open eyes."
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| | | | Michelle 2469 Afwezig
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 23:15 | |
| Het is geen wedstrijd, het is gewoon een leuk spelletje voor de grap. Iets orginelers dan simpelweg een sheetsshopje en wat meer plezier voor mij.. maar ja I'm comming home I'm comming home tell the world I'm comming home |
| | | Linn <3 2602 Actief And in the middle of this chaos
there was you
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 23:16 | |
| .. Lol waz xD En deze is al een stuk moeilijker, mim xD |
| | | Michelle 2469 Afwezig
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 23:17 | |
bam bitch overtop die maar eens >3 I'm comming home I'm comming home tell the world I'm comming home |
| | | Aurora Borealis 987 Actief
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| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 23:19 | |
| ik heb er 50 + 5 in de auto + 7 in de keuken + 1 op de macbook + 4 op de rattenkooi |
| | | Moonmoon 1105 Actief ''It's so common to become the hero of the story, so I became the villain''
| CAT'S PROFILEAge: 95 moons of my dark and cold life.Gender: Tomcat ♂Rank: |
| Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic zo 28 apr 2013 - 23:19 | |
| Me want a wuppie too! XD |
| | | | Onderwerp: Re: Algemene Onzin Topic | |
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